
Q&A with author Christi Snow


Christi Snow

1. What was the inspiration for your current novel?

I have a 17 yo son, Jacob. When he was around the age of 10, he
was obsessed with all things military. My husband is retired Air Force and at that point in time we lived on an Air Force base in NC. My son and all his friends spent hours playing military war games throughout the neighbourhoods wearing full camo gear, including face paint. Watching my son and his friends inspired this Operation: Endgame.

The opening scene in this book sets up the friendship between
twins Cassie and Chris and the new kid in the neighbourhood, Jake. They’re playing war games and are drawn together their entire lives by a love of the military. Eventually, Chris becomes an Air Force fighter pilot, Jake becomes an Air Force pararescue jumper, and Cassie is a military history professor at Texas Tech.

2. When did you take up writing?
I have played with story lines my entire life, but I never wrote more than a page or two at a time until my 41st birthday. I decided it was time to pursue MY dream after following my husband and the Air Force for 20 years and this trilogy was born.

3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
When I sat down to write this trilogy, I set it in Lubbock, TX. Some of the best memories of my life happened while I was attending Texas Tech University and that’s why I chose this for my setting. I didn’t quite think that through though because I ‘m writing romantic suspense which means a lot of REALLY bad things happen there. LOL! I didn’t intentionally set out to wreak fictional havoc on that town and it really is a NICE place to live…REALLY!

4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
In the first novel, Operation: Endgame, you see glimpses of my favourite character in the trilogy, Colton. Colton is Chris and Cassie’s older brother and the hero in book #2, Operation: Endeavor (releasing Jan, 2013.) *sigh* I just love him. Their parents died when the twins were 6 yo and he was 10 yo. As a result, he’s always taken care of them and everyone else around him. He’s huge, demanding, and protective, but has such an incredible romantic streak.

5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
Write what you want to read. I am a voracious reader (450 books a year) so I KNOW exactly what I like to read.

6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
Not really. I have a five year old at home (she starts school in August…whooohooo!) so all my writing is done with her playing at my feet. I also have two pots of coffee a day. My most prolific writing happens around 2:00 when I make my second pot. For me, caffeine and writing are a necessary pairing.

7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
Definitely a plotter. I don’t know how you write romantic suspense without plotting it beforehand.

8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books?
*anything by Jill Shalvis
*I’m a book reviewer and have two books this year that have earned A++ ratings, Jilted by Rachael Johns, and Remember the Shagmeister by Carol Schede
*for romantic suspense, no one beats Christy Reece

9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
Right now I am finishing up book #2 in the When the Mission Ends trilogy, Operation: Endeavor (will finish the first draft this week.) It’s a romantic suspense between Colton and Penelope…totally an opposites attract story. They’ve been so fun to write about. Their chemistry has surprised even me!

Then I will start Operation: Endurance, book #3 in the trilogy. In that book, both the hero and heroine have been through a lot. These two people deserve an HEA (happily ever after) more than most. It’s going to be a hard story to write, but I think it’s going to be a gorgeous love story in the end.

10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
Write, write, write. Every single day, you need to write. That’s the only way to improve and to make any progress in your dreams.

You can learn more about Christi Snow below:
My author website:
book review blog: Smitten with Reading
My author Facebook page: Christi Snow
crafty and personal blog: altered ambitions

Operation Endgame - Christi Snow - CoverTitle: Operation: Endgame
genre: Romantic Suspense
release date: Sept 14, 2012 (ebook, print book is available now)
word count: 84,857
page count: 293
retail price: $11.99 for
print; $2.99 for e-book

Story Overview:

It’s been six months.
Six months since Jake Madsen let Chris Robertson die.
Six months since the passion between Jake and Cassie, Chris’ sister, stepped over the line.
But now Cassie’s being stalked and it’s time for Jake to swallow his guilt, grief, and lust so he can save her life, even if it’s a life without him. He owes it to his dead friend and he owes it to Cassie. He’s fallen in love with her, but she doesn’t have to know that for him to keep her safe.
Releasing September, 2012
about the trilogy- When the Mission Ends Trilogy.
Book #1 is Operation: Endgame (ebook releasing September, 20120
Book #2 is Operation: Endeavor (releasing January, 2013)
Book #3 is Operation: Endurance (releasing April, 2013)



Available at:


Christi Snow
7/11/2012 01:43:50 am

Thank you so much, Monique, for featuring me! This was a lot of fun. Smiles…

Felicia Sparks
7/11/2012 02:47:40 am

Awesome interview! I can’t wait for books 2 and 3 🙂

Amy Castellano
7/11/2012 10:13:00 am

Christi is the awesomest!! Thanks for the feature!!

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