OPPOSITE ATTRACTION, book 3 in the Keller Family Series:
Curtis Keller is a lucky man. He has the love and support of a family like no other. But he’s never fallen in
love with a woman. He likes to play the field, have a good time, and enjoyed friends with benefits. But when wild child Simone Pierpont comes into his life for the first time he considers settling down—until she abandons him.
Simone Pierpont fell in love. She hadn’t meant to, but her best friend’s brother-in-law had treated her, the
Parisian oil heiress, with more compassion than she’d ever known. What was she to do? So she left him stranded on a yacht in the French Rivera.
Now, cut off from her father’s fortune, pregnant, and desperate to win Curtis’s heart; Simone must prove to
everyone she can hold down a job and take care of herself. Curtis isn’t sure the spoiled princess can change, but because of his caring nature he has a hard time turning her away.
However, all efforts might be for nought when he learns about her pregnancy and she is forced to run back to her
father. But Curtis will eventually understand and come for her—or so she hopes.
Caterers moved about the house and Curtis fixed himself a plate of fruit. He’d be happier in the kitchen he decided. The
reception was depressing him.
When he lifted his head from the platters of food, he saw the reason it depressed him standing right in front of
“Hello, Curtis.”Simone Pierpont’s French accent stabbed right into his heart before he choked on the grape he’d just
swallowed whole.
He coughed until he could breathe. Her eyes never wavered from him and he was sure they had bored a hole right through him.
“Simone. I didn’t expect you here.”
She twisted her fingers together and smiled nervously.“I’ve been out of town.”
Didn’t he know that? He’d tried for the past two months to find her. Even his brother-in-law, Zach, who she claimed was her very dearest friend, hadn’t known where to find her.
“You’re looking well.”He wasn’t sure what else to say. He’d been dumped by women before, but it had never hurt like this
one did. Oh, she’d had him fooled. Yes, he thought there’d been a chance for something real. He’d thought it was love.
But he had to acknowledge that there were women in the world who appreciated the art of seduction and fast steamy love affairs without stings just as men did. He just never thought he’d be the man who was used and disposed of.
Damn her anyway, he thought.
She took a step toward himand then stopped just short of reaching him. Her knuckles were white now and her nervousness wasn’t helping him keep calm.
Simone bit down on her lip then shifted her blue eyes to his. “I would have called…”
“Listen,” he set down his plate.“You don’t owe me any explanations. Zach and Regan set us up to share the evening together so we wouldn’t be alone. They didn’t tell us to,” he lowered his voice, “screw like rabbits and run off to your yacht in the French Riviera.So we had a good time. Really, who thought much of it?”He had and he fought his eyes to make sure she didn’t know how much he’d thought of it.
“Right. It was just sex. I was hoping you would understand that.”
“Got it.”He picked up his plate.“Well I think I’ll go see how the party is going. See ya‘round.”
That wasn’t exactly how Simone had hoped that would go. She untangled her fingers realizing they were almost numb
She deserved him to treat her like that. She’d been very forthcoming with him, over too much champagne on her yacht, that she’d bedded many men. Why she felt he needed to know that she wasn’t sure. She’d left out the hefty part of the tale though. Most of those men had been in her bed while she tried to wrap her head around the fact that Zachary Benson had never seen her as more than a sister or dear friend.
Lucky for her, she loved him the same. She was glad he and Regan had found each other and now had a family. But that hadn’t changed her view on herself. Simone Pierpont longed for what Zach now had. Love, marriage, and a family. One-piece didn’t really fit without the other.
She sucked in a breath. Had she not made such an ass out of herself in front of Curtis and then run off without a word,
stranding him on the Rivera to find his own way home, perhaps she’d have just that.
Simone ran her hands over the slim satin line of her dress, lingering only a moment on her jittery stomach.
Well, she thought, at least she’d have some of what Zach had.
Bernadette Marie has been an avid writer since the early age of 13, when she’d fill notebook after notebook with stories that she’d share with her friends. Her journey into novel writing started the summer before eighth grade when her father gave her an old typewriter. At all times of the day and night you would find her on the back porch penning her first work, which she would continue to write for the next 22 years.
In 2007—after marriage, filling her chronic entrepreneurial needs, and having five children—Bernadette began to write seriously with the goal of having her work published. That year she wrote 12 books. In 2009, she was contracted for her first trilogy and the published author was born. In 2011 she (being the entrepreneur that she is) opened her own publishing house, 5 Prince Publishing, and has released contemporary titles and began the process of taking on other authors in other genres.
In 2012 Bernadette Marie found herself on the worldwide bestsellers lists of iTunes and Amazon to name a few. Her office wall is lined with colorful PostIt notes with the titles of books she will be releasing in the very near future, with hope that they too will grace the bestsellers lists.
Bernadette spends most of her free time driving her kids to their many events. She is also an accomplished martial artist who will earn her conditional second degree black belt in Tang Soo Do in October 2012. She loves to meet readers who enjoy reading contemporary romances and she always promises Happily Ever After.
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