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    Teacups, newsletters, sales and a song for Musical Monday



    Hearts AfireAnother Monday rolls around. My to-do list this week is startlingly long and scary. I think that happens most weeks, especially if you kind of fail to get everything on last week’s list done and it all rolls over.

    These tea-cups are pretty right. My two most popular Facebook posts on my author page in the last few months have far and away been the ones featuring these cups. There you go, who would have guessed?

    As a result, I’m doing a giveaway in my next newsletter of one of these cups so sign up if you would like to win one.

    There’s a button on this page, on the front page of the website and even on my Facebook page. So easy.

    In other news I can hardly believe that Hearts Afire my second book baby is just under 2 years old. Where did the time go? I really love that book. I love Matt in that book, actually. The e-book is on sale this week for 99cents so grab a copy if you haven’t already go one.





    Now for musical Monday. I’m kind of torn. I had a song in mind but then this morning I heard this song this morning and I thought, that is a lovely song for a Monday.

  • Blog

    Two 99cent books, writers’ groups and Musical Monday.


    A Fair Exchange - 99 Cent Sale PromoI really am not quite sure how it got to be Monday again. What is happening to 2014? Whoever has control of the handbrake is welcome to pull it now and make things stop or slow down a little bit. I will be totally fine with that.

    Last week I went to an event for writers’ groups at the NSW Writers Centre. My friend Pamela Cook spoke on behalf of our group which was the Writers’ Dozen but these days is the Writers’ Half Dozen. It was a lovely night and really interesting to hear about the many groups out there and see so many enthusiastic writers.

    It was also a sharp reminder of the importance of community and the need we all have to be supported on our journeys. Our little group has had remarkable results in terms of people being published, continuing to write, winning competitions and the other tangible signs of success. More than that though it reminded me what a gift those people and that group have been in my life.

    I’m plugging away on the sequel to Any Way You Slice It, Book 2 in The Upper Crust Series. One of my problems is I have too many ideas and not enough time, and probably discipline, to complete all the projects I would like to. I really must get a working title for that novel. I had one in the middle of the night a couple of weeks back and wrote it down…must find that piece of paper.


    Any Way You Slice It - 99c Sale Promo - Upper Crust SeriesAny Way You Slice It is still 99cents and this weekend until Tuesday A Fair Exchange is 99cents too. If you haven’t read them now is the time and if you have I’d really appreciate a review.













    Musical Monday has rolled around again.

    As I was driving home from the NSW Writers Centre I was listening to a radio show where people call in requests and someone requested American Pie. I hadn’t heard the song in forever and that was a good thing because when I heard it Wednesday I was struck by the beauty and complexity of the lyrics a bit like when you hear or read something for the first time.

    So given I am writing books about pies I thought it was fitting.