• Blog

    Things you may not know about me

    Things you may not know about me – Let’s do an update.

    I haven’t done a personal update here in a while. So I thought I might do one including a few things you may not know about me. And maybe a few you do.

    A few months back I started writing a couple of blog posts about grief. I’ve been through the wringer in that regard in 2023 which is why I’ve been largely silent on social media – scraping through by doing the absolute minimum – and why you haven’t seen any new releases from me. To be fair I wasn’t planning on releasing loads of books under my name anyway but I also wasn’t expecting to do nothing. Meanwhile my pen names have also ground to a halt. Needless to say I have not owned 2023 by anyone’s measure.

    I’m still planning on posting the grief series. I hope it might help someone else going through it but for now let’s focus on the present.

    My books in the No Brides Club series have just been re-released and are available on Amazon and free if you are in Kindle Unlimited. Lots of people have strong feelings about KU as it’s known.

    I read in KU myself a lot. The reason being I read on average a book a day. Yes, you read that right. I often get in to bed after dinner and read for 3 or 4 hours most nights. I’m a fast reader and that gets me through a book. Books in Australia are even more expensive than, for example, the United States. A mass market paperback is around $20. I can’t afford to spend $140 a week on books. And obviously I start some and they’re not for me so that number would be higher in reality.

    Not to mention paperbacks are heavy and the lowlight of the Kindle is less annoying for my husband who is often asleep beside me as I read past midnight.

    Borrowing from the library is an option, of course, but I have accrued so many library fines over the years, it’s not for me. Having said that,  I adore libraries and often visit libraries, right now I’m just not in a library reading phrase.

    Another reason I use Kindle Unlimited is because I read a lot of authors whose books are not widely available in Australian bookshops. If you ARE in Australia and you do like paperbacks signed copies are available at my  store.



    That’s not to say that’s the only place I get books, it’s not. I buy books by authors I love and people I know all the time but I also read in KU.  Oh and I absolutely have to get non-fiction books in hardback and paperback because I absorb information better that way.

    I guess I just think of having Kindle Unlimited as being similar to having a Netflix subscription and also going to the movies from time to time.

    This post got away from me. I wasn’t planning on talking about that but here’s two things we’ve already learned.

    One – I’m going through grief

    Two – I am a voracious reader

    If you follow me on social media, you’ll see often post pictures of coffee. Australia has a pretty intense coffee culture and I for one am all the way on board. Here’s a fun The New York Times article that tells you a little about how our coffee culture evolved.  Good coffee is everywhere, and it is one of my great pleasures to find a sunny spot and enjoy a coffee alone or with friends.

    Let’s talk about the ocean

    You’ll also notice that a lot of my pictures with coffee are by the ocean, harbour, on a beach or on a boat. Fun fact – I live by the beach. Even more interesting fact, over 80% of the Australian population (25million people and counting) live within 50km/31miles of the coast. So while I feel very lucky to live where I live it is pretty normal for Aussies to be at the beach or the water before or after work. When I first got married I often caught the iconic Manly Ferry home from work (and then got a bus home) it was a slower journey but so much more relaxing than the bus ride from the city.

    Now I’m very lucky to work from home so I can work in a coffee shop by the beach, walk and dictate a story or sit and plot in a notebook on the sand. In my mind it doesn’t matter where you get things done as long as you do them! And as a redhead I need to do all this slathered in sunscreen and beneath an impressively large hat wherever possible.

    So now we know:

    One – I’m going through grief

    Two – I am a voracious reader

    Three – I love my coffee

    Four – I live by the beach

    Five – I miss blogging

    I’ll do another update next week. Time to get have a coffee!



  • Blog

    No Brides Club Launch Day

    It’s launch day for the No Brides Club

    Yes, that’s right it’s finally launch day for the No Brides Club. This series was originally published by a small press, but earlier this year they shut up shop, and all the authors in the series got our books back. They were languishing there for a while and now we’re all thrilled to be able to give them a new lease on life.

    Finally today they are live again and you can download them from Amazon and get reading. The series is on sale right now for 99cents but all the books are free to Kindle Unlimited readers.

    The series can be enjoyed as stand aloe novels but why not binge the whole series?

    I have three books in the series No Time for Temptation, No Time for Trouble and No Time for Tears. These books were really fun to write as they were set in New York and if you know me even a little bit you know I love New York.

    I haven’t been back since the pandemic but it’s definitely on my list of places to go again. Several of the places in the books, especially No Time for Tears, were inspired by places I went to on my last visit.

    To celebrate the launch we also have a fun giveaway you can enter. Up for grabs is a $50 Amazon giftcard so be sure to enter as many times as you can. Just click the image below to be taken to the entry form.

    Click the image to enter a $50 Amazon giftcard giveaway
    Click the image to enter

    I’ll be back with more exciting news about the No Brides Club later this week!

  • Blog

    New release Friday December 2022

    New Release Friday

    Time for another New Release Friday- where did this month go?

    A few of my author friends have had new releases in December. Check them out if you are looking for a new read.

    I must admit I was a bit slack and didn’t keep track of the new release this month as well as usual so it’s a little light-on. And I was away in November…

    Please note the books have varying heat levels so do your own due diligence.

    New Year WishesNew Year Wishes: A festive second-chance romance novella

    It’s December, and Daisy comes face-to-face with her ‘ghosts of kisses past’.

    Never mind New Year’s resolutions – what she needs are New Year wishes. She’ll complete a list of tasks that pave the way for a fresh start, wishing away her past relationship mistakes. Including her yearning for the mysterious, gorgeous man she kissed on the night before New Year’s Eve eight years ago and never saw again… until now.

    Charlie’s back in town, in the role of Santa. Could he have another chance with the magical, unforgettable woman he kissed all those years ago?

    A short, sweet-ish festive second-chance romance novella set in an English seaside town, and written in British English.

    Get it here.

    FRiday inn Love



    A girl couldn’t help spying sometimes. Surely if she ever met him, he’d understand…

    Megan Macauley looks forward to her private rendezvous with her ridiculously hot, across-the-road-from-work neighbour. Every Friday morning, Megan and her inappropriate older colleague Jean, stop work on the company website to stare goggle-eyed at the vision of manly beauty in the apartment across the street. When he returns from his gym sessions and strips off his shirt, Megan can barely keep her tongue in her mouth. 

    Megan didn’t mean to become a voyeur. It was an accident! She’s always had a feeling the situation might rear up and bite her. One Friday, fate proves her right. The hottie from across the road shows up at her office as the new auditor, in other words, the man with the power of hiring and firing. 

    Cruz Ono is even more smouldering hot up close. A prime example of Japanese-Australian beefcake and smart as a whip. When he invites her to a private meeting, Megan nearly faints. He could either fire her or let her keep her annoying, underpaid job. Which would it be? 

    When Cruz reveals he knows Megan has been watching him, she knows it could be the end of her career. But the way he smiles and flirts with her says it could be the start of something else…

    Note: Friday I’m In Love is a short and sweet story or novelette of approx. 10,000 words. It is also available in the Hot In The City collection in both ebook and paperback.

    Get it here

    Un Match

    Un Match – an opposites attract sports romance: An Arizona Rattlesnakes Novel (The Arizona Rattlesnakes Book 5)

    I’ve got no choice. Women take one look at me and see someone they can use: for social status, for a good time, for my reputation in the NHL. I want to find a girl who can see beneath the surface and build a life with me. There’s only one way to get what I need, and that’s online.

    Using my brother’s picture on the dating website.

    @LadyGray is everything I’ve ever wanted and more. At least on the surface. The more I get to know her, the more I desire her, and I haven’t even seen her face.

    I’ve got a problem.

    There’s another woman, someone cute and adorable and funny as hell. But she’s a single mother, and after my own messed up childhood, I swore to myself I’d never get involved with them. Too bad she’s perfect.

    Too bad I’m in this situation in the first place.

    Un Match is book 5 in the Arizona Rattlesnakes series.

    Get it Here

    Bindarra Creek Christmas Series

    Several of my author friends have books in the Bindarra Creek Christmas series – click the image below to check out the whole series.

    Bindarra Creek Christmas


  • NaNoWriMo2022

    November means NaNoWriMo


    Anyone who has followed this blog a while knows that most Novembers I participate in National Novel Wrting Month or NaNoWriMo as it is commonly known. Here’s where you can find previous blog posts on the topic.

    I believe the first year I did it was 2006 – also known as a lifetime ago. At the time I remember how proud I was that I managed to write 50,000 words in a month. It’s still a staggering achievement, especially for people with busy families, little kids and a whole range of commitments.

    I write almost every day now and often have 50k months, so it isn’t quite as exciting for me as it once was, but I still love the idea of millions of people sitting at their desks getting creative. I love the thought of so many people putting their goal of writing a novel and their desire to create something front and centre in their lives. So many people live lives devoid of creativity and I like the way a month like NaNoWrimo motivates so many people to tap into that well.

    I’m not sure if I’ll actually win this year. I’m at just over 20,000 words on day 10, but today is my last day at my desk this month. Tomorrow I will take off on a wonderful adventure.

    I’m going to Vegas for a writing conference. I went to the same conference in 2018 and loved it. I was meant to go in 2019 but my father had been recently diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma – it was in his lungs and we weren’t sure how his prognosis would do. (I’m happy to say he is still with us thanks to immunotherapy – he’s one lucky guy!) And then i had a ticket for 2020 but our boarders were closed then and in 2021 so finally off I go!

    As well as the conference, I’m getting to meet up with a wide array of friends and family up and down the West Coast of the USA, which I think I may be even more excited about. Anyway, after all the complaining about not being able to see people I’m not missing out on time with them to write. But we shall see how we go.

    Anyway, if you’ve ever wanted to write a book, why not make a plan to do it during NaNoWriMo in 2023 and we can cheer each other along?




  • New Release Friday

    New Release Friday – September 2022

    New Release Friday

    Time for another New Release Friday- where did this month go?

    A few of my author friends have had new releases in September. Check them out if you are looking for a new read.

    I must admit I was a bit slack and didn’t keep track of the new release this month as well as usual so it’s a little light-on.

    Please note the books have varying heat levels so do your own due diligence. Also I’m sure there were more but my September was kind of nuts so I literally can’t remember the beginning.

    Daph on the beach cover

    Daph on the Beach: A Camper & Wedding Officiant Cozy Mystery (Daphne Jones Mysteries) by Phillipa Nefri Clark

    There’s a wedding around the corner, until Randall sniffs out a body in the sea…
    The last thing Daphne Jones expects to see as she stands on Rivers End jetty, practicing the ceremony for a wedding, is a body floating by.
    Suspicion falls on her friend Christie when the deceased is identified as an ex-employee, a woman who left under a cloud. Nobody who knows Christie believes she’s responsible – except the police. Roping in best friend, Elizabeth, Daphne sets out to run her own investigation.
    Why was the deceased dressed in winter clothing on a summer’s day? And why had she begged Christie to meet her late at night?
    With the police about to arrest Christie, Daphne races to find evidence to exonerate her, as well as lead to the real killer. Will the wedding be postponed and the wrong person arrested? Not if Daphne can solve the puzzle in time.

    If you’ve read any of the Rivers End books, you’ll love this fun and quirky quick read which features many of the beloved characters such as Christie, Martin, Thomas, Elizabeth and more… not to mention Randall the goldie. 

    Daph on the Beach first appeared in the Mysteries, Midsummer Sun and Murders anthology.

    Get it here

    Protecting Their Destiny Cover

    Protecting their Destiny (A Bindarra Creek Mystery Romance) by Erin Moira O’Hara

    Reid Sullivan is close to fulfilling his life-long dream of returning his family’s sheep station, Tulachmhor to its former glory. He’s also weeks from marrying Emma, his pregnant fiancée, yet a volatile childhood has left him with deep trust issues. And his soon-to-be bride has shared little of her past. After a string of mishaps and disasters he suspects Tulachmhor and his relationship with Emma are being sabotaged, but by who and why?

    Gynecologist, Emma Fahey left her previous life in Sydney for the rural peace and safety of Bindarra Creek. Yet, as her wedding approaches her fiancé becomes distracted and moody, reigniting old fears. Emma loves Reid with all her heart, and is excited for the baby, but can their relationship survive someone with a deadly grudge? Will their trust issues irrevocably damage their relationship, or worse, cost them their lives?

    Get it here


  • New Release Friday

    New release Friday – wrapping up August new releases

    New Release Friday

    Lots of my author friends have had new releases in August. Check them out if you are looking for a new read.

    Please note the books have varying heat levels so do your own due diligence. Also I’m sure there were more but my August was kind of nuts so I literally can’t remember the beginning.

     One in a billionOne in a Billion- Belinda Williams


    Victoria Verity is on a deadline. Soon she’ll be thirty and out of a job unless she can turn her journalism career around by gaining an exclusive interview with Australia’s newest tech billionaire. Except there’s one small hitch—he’s notoriously private.

    Seth Pierce hates people making a big deal about his billionaire status, but he knows it’s time to appoint a media adviser. When the perfect candidate walks into his office for all the wrong reasons, Seth is determined to make her an offer she can’t refuse.

    Victoria will do anything to land the story, but she draws the line at mixing business with pleasure. Only she’s about to discover that billionaires don’t give up easily. Especially when they’ve found something—or someone—they want . . .

    One In A Billion is the third book in the Pierce Brothers series featuring four brothers that are equally as nice as they are naughty.

    Get it here

    The Swordmasters DaughterThe Swordmaster’s Daughter – Terri Green

    Whitefriars London 1604

    When her father bans her from fighting after an unfortunate incident with a stray sword, Lucinda Evans is determined to continue fencing. She recruits a small group of women with an urgent need to defend themselves, training them in secret as the Sisters of the Sword. When the Sisters discover that two of their number were victims of the same cruel predator, they set out to bring him to justice, no matter what it takes.

    Robert McCrae, the infuriatingly attractive heir of a Scottish Lord, cannot fathom why any woman has a need to fight, but when he fails to protect his only sister, he reluctantly seeks Lucinda’s help.
    Plunged into a murky world of politics and duplicity, they are forced to work together, and faced with impossible choices. Loyalty or duty? Love or justice? The more he pulls, the more she pushes, and despite all of McCrae’s attempts to keep her safe, Lucinda strides on into danger, a danger she must ultimately face on her own.

    Get it here


    Ace: An Australian Military Romance (Z Boys Book 5) – Sofia Aves

    His last card will trump them all.

    Mentor, officer, and soldier Lincoln ‘Ace’ Kelly loves the men he leads. Z Unit was always a suicide mission. With a short life expectancy, none of his team were supposed to have attachments.

    Never get involved.

    Linc broke rule number one by bringing the love of his life along with him. Belgian Malinios Helix is as much a part of the team as the men who would lay down their lives on his orders without question. But when those orders start to ring false in his mind, Lincoln question what’s coming down from the top…and where he’s sending his boys.

    As tensions inside the unit hit boiling point, Lincoln seeks a distraction…and finds it for a second time in Hadleigh Rawson.

    Blonde, stunning and an agent for an unnamed intelligence agency, Hadleigh’s mind works as fast as anyone on his team. And while their chemistry is undeniable, Linc begins to suspect she’s part of a bigger picture.

    One that he can’t see in full.

    He has to get it right to prevent chaos ruining his unit on a deadly mission when she tags along. Which is fine if she is on his side.

    But what if she’s not?

    Get it here

  • Promo graphic for the Jewel Sisters

    Reveal for the new look Jewel Sisters Series!

    Jewel sisters header

    Isn’t the new look adorable?

    I told you it was coming and now it is here the new look Jewel Sisters series.

    The first book in the series, Something of a Spark, came out in 2017 – or as it feels to me – a lifetime ago. I loved writing that book for a few reasons.

    It’s set on the South Coast of NSW here in Australia so I could picture the town of Caudal Bay where the sisters live very clearly. The town isn’t real. It’s an amalgam of a few of my favorite beach towns. I hadn’t written a story set in Australia for a while at that point, so it was fun to do that.

    I also loved the idea of writing a family series and the sisters’ relationships, in particular, were interesting to me. I only have one sister but when I was an exchange student my host family had three sisters, plus me, so four. The characters aren’t in any way base don any of us but I could draw a little on that experience.

    Finally, although I never included them in the book I wrote a series of song lyrics for the book. Saffy is a lyricist in the novel and co writes country songs with her old friend Ryan. I had a lot of fun writing songs for them.

    It was always one of my dreams to be a lyricist. The whole idea fascinates me. Not to mention I can make anything rhyme and some days used to talk in rhyme all day to my daughter. (I’ve never said I wasn’t annoying!)

    Maybe I’ll share them here or in my newsletter one day!

    Anyway, there’s a whole page dedicated to the series here on the website, so click over to see the new covers and read more about the series. (It’s in Kindle Unlimited if you’re a subscriber).


    Promo graphic for the Jewel Sisters


  • Jewel sisters cover teasers

    A new look Jewel Sisters Series is coming soon!

    Jewel sisters cover teasers

    It’s a while since I’ve done anything to update any of my book covers and I thought maybe it was time to give the Jewel Sisters series a fresh new look.

    New covers and new blurbs are something I struggle with, mainly because I ‘m usually attached to the original covers.

    In this case, I just couldn’t decide what direction to go. I even ran a poll in m newsletter this time last year between two looks and the results were exactly 50/50 so that didn’t help at all!

    Anyway, I finally made a decision and I’m super happy with how they came out. Everyone I’ve shown them to has been as excited as I am so I hope that means an uptick in sales when the covers and new blurbs go live on Amazon next week.

    You can see the old covers here.

    This is such a fun series set here in Australia and as the series title suggests is about four sisters and their relationship and struggles to find love and happiness. But it is fun and happy and I wanted covers that reflected that, so fingers crossed I’ve got it right.

    Stay tuned and I’ll let you know when the new look version is live. As always if you’ve read them and haven’t yet reviewed the books you know I’d love you to.

  • Blog

    New Release Friday – wrapping up June 2022

    New Release Friday

    Time for a wrap up of my author friend’s new releases for June 2022

    It feel like I just did the monthly wrap up but here we go again. Here are some of the books my author friends have released this past month. They’re in varying genres and some are sweet and some have heat, so be sure to check those details for yourself.

    heroes with heat cover

    A hero never quits..
    He comes for you no matter the odds.
    He won’t stop. He will save you.
    And your heart belongs to him forever. . .
    Heroes with Heat and Heart 2 Anthology features nineteen steamy Protector Romance novellas to make you get a fan for this inferno.
    All proceeds benefit the Grassroots Wildland Firefighter Charity
    𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬:
    Carina Alyce, EmKay Connor, LC Taylor, Karigan Hale, Lolo Paige, CB Samet, DM Davis, Ofelia Martinez, Hilary Grossman, Tracy Krimmer, Heather Scarlett, D. Lilac, Harper Cross, Stacey Travis, Allie Marie, Andi MacDowell, Pandora Snow, Michelle Edwards, and the legendary Desiree Holt!

    Hitched to the RockstarHitched to the Rockstar: A rockstar secret marriage romance

    Urgently needed! A fast marriage and a reputation overhaul for three gorgeous bachelors out to impress. Happily-ever-afters unintentionally included.


    A Vegas pre-wedding celebration with my sister, who I lovingly refer to as Bridezilla, was meant to be a chance for her to be the centre of attention all weekend. I chose dowdy outfits, made sure to focus all my attention on her, and even dragged along the huge wedding planning folder for us to pore over every day. If there’s an award for sister-of-the-year, it’s guaranteed to be mine.

    The holy trinity of one too many critiques of my permanently single status, her need to prove to me that I’m not very lovable, and the arrival of a sexy saviour at the bar one night lead to an unexpected wedding and a promise to spend two weeks in Action Valley, far from Bridezilla and her constant demands.

    Action Valley is possibly the most laid back place on earth but it turns out I’ve married the most uptight rockstar on the planet, with a point to prove to his dad. How will he react when he finds out what I do for a living? Because I know his dad won’t approve, and I’d really like to keep my rockstar.


    Another number one smash hit album release. Another Vegas celebration. What can I say? The band and I are creatures of habit. We party in Sin City regularly, always blasting in and leaving the same way. No commitments. No ties. Not ever.

    Except that this year I’ve arrived in Vegas with an ulterior motive. I need to find me a bride to take home to my parents for two weeks of getting-in-their-good-books, and where else do you woo a woman on short notice? Mom only turns seventy once, and my dad will kick my ass if I don’t make it special for her. I’ve never had his approval before, so I’m not sure why I think I can win it now, but what’s more special than a new sensible bride and the inference that grandchildren could finally be on the way?

    Too bad my new dowdy bride turns out to be a fun-loving, banter-filled vixen, instead of the plain Jane I thought would impress my dad with her sweetness.

    Now I’ve got two goals. Get dad off my back, and get the delectable Tori into my bed.

    Getting hitched at first sight has never been so enticing.

    Get it here

    Hot in the cityHot in the City by Cassandra O’Leary

    Hot In The City is a collection of short romantic comedy stories and novellas from award-winning author, Cassandra O’Leary. Perfect for reading on your lunch break, on the go or anytime really!

    Never before published in one book, this collection includes:– Chocolate Truffle Kiss: A Romantic Comedy Novelette – An older woman meets a younger man in a story full of pining. A lonely writer, a hot rockstar barista, a cafe setting with stolen moments, poetry and chocolate. . .

    – Tree Love: A Romantic Short Story  A short story with a sweet second chance romance, an urban lumberjack and emails to trees!

    – Girl Under The Christmas Tree: A Steamy Holiday Romance Novella  A prequel to the novel Girl on a Plane, featuring Yuki, a hotel staffer looking for adventure, and Declan, an Irish IT CEO with a broken heart. They come together right before Christmas for just one night. . .

    – Friday I’m In Love: A Short and Sweet Story– A brand new story set in a pyjama company in the middle of the city. Featuring a Japanese-Australian beefcake, a wacky computer nerd, workplace romance, spying and wardrobe malfunctions.

    . . . and a new novelette. . . Girl On A Babymoon! Sinead and Gabriel from Girl on a Plane return, five years later. It’s their anniversary, and Sinead has a big surprise for Gabriel. A romantic getaway and steamy role-playing feature in this laugh-out-loud story of a marriage in trouble, or maybe, a marriage that will be stronger than ever!

    Each story is set in the author’s home city of Melbourne, Australia, with a cameo or two from other fabulous destinations around the world. Whether the setting in a central city cafe with a smoking hot barista, or a Santa-packed hotel in the lead-up to Christmas, these stories will introduce you to a world of steamy kisses, swoony couples and funny love stories each with their own a happy ever after (or happy for now) ending.

  • Writers on Wednesday - Rose

    Today for Writers on Wednesday we feature Iris Blobel and her new release In The Shadow of a Lie

    Today we feature Iris Blobel and her new novel – In The Shadow of a Lie.

    In the Shdow of a Lie new release banner

    Let me take you to New Zealand

    I’m happy to share with you another story which is set in NZ.

    If you love Australian / New Zealand romance, be sure to get your copy today!


    In the shdow of a Lie pull quote

    The discovery of her mother’s diaries unravels a secret which sends Lani on a journey to New Zealand …

    She lost her mother in an accident. Now, Lani Dekker is determined to meet the man who, according to her mother’s diaries, is her father. He’s not what she expected, a bit on the extravagant side, but she soon warms up to him, thanks no less to Dylan, her father’s neighbour. Despite her attraction to Dylan, she can’t figure out whether he’s a friend or foe.

    Dylan Harper is merely going through the daily motions after his wife died in a ski crash. That is, until his life is turned upside down by the arrival of his neighbour’s daughter. Their attraction is instant, even more so when they wake up in the same bed after an earthquake. However, it’s her accusation that his interest in her involves her father’s money rather than their mutual magnetism that derails their newfound bond.

    Will finding the truth about her parents be a chance for Lani and Dylan to overcome their differences?

    Get your copy of IN THE SHADOWS OF A LIE today on Amazon

    What reviewers say about the story:

    5 stars:

    A beautiful plot line with very emotional characters.. The path to love is difficult and has lot of interesting turns for the characters.Loved the book and the leads.

    5 stars:

    Heartwarming story about love, forgiveness and acceptance. Lani’s grieving her Mother’s death and trying to cope, when her grandpa opens up and tells her about an untruth, lie. She finds her lost father, unbeknownst to him he even has a daughter. Toby, Lani’s birth father, never married or loved another woman after her mother. Toby’s neighbor, Dylan, and long time friend had lost his wife after only 2 years of marriage and he is still missing her when Dylan finds Lani in the stairwell of Toby’s home. Lani’s mother’s belief in memories and forgiveness helps Lani move on in forgiveness toward her Grandpa, accepting and loving her Dad, Toby and loving Dylan for who he is.

    Add IN THE SHADOWS OF A LIE to your Goodreads TBR !

    In the Shdow of a Lie cover

    Where to find Iris:

    Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bQ68rL

    Website http://www.irisblobel.com/

    Blog http://www.irisblobel.com/blog

    Twitter https://twitter.com/_iris_b

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IrisBlobel

    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4067254.Iris_Blobel

    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Iris-Blobel/e/B00FNFP3LI/

    Other Online Bookstores https://books2read.com/irisblobel