Well I’m home safe and sound after my lovely research trip and vacation.
Now it’s time to get down to some serious hard work…maybe not today while the jetlag is messing with me…but tomorrow.
I thought I’d give you a little update on the research trip and what I have planned for the later half of 2013. (Am I the only one who is absolutely blown-away by the fact it is July? My guess is probably not.)
First up I have the cover for the next novel Building Attraction which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and I’ll be revealing that in the next week or so. I’ll also be sending that book to the beta readers in the next couple of weeks and then off to the editor so I am hoping for an August release. My birthday is in August, maybe I’ll give myself a book launch for my birthday.
Look forward to some excerpts and teasers in the lead-up to it’s release.
The research trip was super fun and I met some very cool people as well as seeing some great sites. I visited a lot of places that will definitely end up in the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels.
I did lots of things I think Allegra would do when she moved to L.A and I visited some great places I know she would adore. I also had some pretty funny experiences that I think she might have (of all my characters she is the one most like me…even if I am several years older, married and was not raised by people with any hippy like tendencies at all!) I visited some really beautiful gardens to help me do some research for what Teddy might be up to in L.A as well.
Hopefully now I’ll get my writing and blogging groove on again.
I’m always looking for authors to interview here on the blog so if you are one, let me know.
In the latter part of this year I’m also planning to add videos to this blog. Yes that’s what you all want in your life isn’t it? Me talking about books and writing. First I need to get my hair done, work on a flattering camera angle and maybe even have a make-over…well I’m, not really having a make-over but I did bring a bucket load of make-up home from the US. (I could do an entire blog post on my adventures in make-up shopping and the price gauging of the Australian consumer on make-up, but I shall resist!)
So that’s where I’m at…lots of plans for my novels and my blog in the next six months so stay tuned, or keep reading and if the urge hits, le