It’s launch day for the No Brides Club
Yes, that’s right it’s finally launch day for the No Brides Club. This series was originally published by a small press, but earlier this year they shut up shop, and all the authors in the series got our books back. They were languishing there for a while and now we’re all thrilled to be able to give them a new lease on life.
Finally today they are live again and you can download them from Amazon and get reading. The series is on sale right now for 99cents but all the books are free to Kindle Unlimited readers.
The series can be enjoyed as stand aloe novels but why not binge the whole series?
I have three books in the series No Time for Temptation, No Time for Trouble and No Time for Tears. These books were really fun to write as they were set in New York and if you know me even a little bit you know I love New York.
I haven’t been back since the pandemic but it’s definitely on my list of places to go again. Several of the places in the books, especially No Time for Tears, were inspired by places I went to on my last visit.
To celebrate the launch we also have a fun giveaway you can enter. Up for grabs is a $50 Amazon giftcard so be sure to enter as many times as you can. Just click the image below to be taken to the entry form.

I’ll be back with more exciting news about the No Brides Club later this week!