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    Writers on Wednesday Featuring Andrene Low


    Andrene LowAndrene’s love of writing was instilled by her mother, although if her mum was still alive, she’d be smacking Andrene across the back of the head given the direction her writing has taken. Irreverent, cutting and reflecting her background as a stand-up comic, it’s edgy with humour that’s very dark in places.

    1. What was the inspiration for your latest novel?
    My latest novel is “Strapped for Cash”, the third book in my Sexy Seventies Series (although it can definitely be read as a standalone). It’s been described by one reviewer as being “Not chick lit. Not pure comedy. Not romance. Not crime. But a delicious mixture of all those genres.”
    The inspiration was where the main character, Brenda, chose to take me, something that can happen when you’re writing a series. Being something of a loner, I wanted her to find the love of family and that wasn’t going to happen with any of her blood relations, mainly because most of them were doing time for various petty crimes. While starting out in Melbourne, the main part of the story is set in London allowing me to catch up with favourites like Eadie, an old aged pensioner who’s going down fighting and Charlie, the world’s largest black and white cat, who’s also prone to going down fighting.

    2. When did you take up writing?
    I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, from essays at primary school through to poetry in high school. I even remember reworking the lyrics to several songs for a talent contest when I was travelling around Europe on a bus tour – we won!

    After that there was a long break with work getting in the way, but it was this very thing that got me back into my writing. I was sent on a presentation skills course for work and part of that was writing a speech for the graduation ceremony. Mine was entitled “Breeding Before Forty”, with a funny take on just how loud that body clock can sound in the small hours of the morning. This was recorded and a workmate at the time saw it and next thing I know I’ve been signed up for a Rookie’s Night at a local comedy club.

    Luckily for me it went well and the organisers asked me back and I stayed on the professional stand-up circuit for three years. It could be either an amazing or a gut-churning experience, without a lot of middle ground, and it didn’t get any easier. Eventually, I made the decision to concentrate on the writing as it was this I’d always enjoyed most. Fast forward to me taking a lot of writing courses leading to a finished manuscript and the rest, as they say, is history.

    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
    It’s important but I certainly don’t think it’s the be-all and end-all. I like to put enough in there that my readers can picture the setting, but I’m not a fan of there being so much about the setting that the book reads more like a travel or real estate brochure. To me, this distracts from the main story and can slow the pace. Unless it’s vitally important to the plot, I tend to leave it out.

    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    Yes, I’ve actually got three. Flo an 80+ plus cleaning lady whose energy levels are such that she could “Clean for England”, Eady, who’s the wrong side of 70 and an ex-dominatrix to boot and Brenda, my protagonist. She’s rough around the edges, but buried deep beneath that hard exterior is a heart of gold.

    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    Without a first draft, you have nothing to edit.

    It seems obvious, but when I was first starting out, I’d keep on going back and editing and re-editing and editing some more, making sure that what I’d written up to that point was 100% perfect. It’s called a ‘draft’ for a reason and so now I go for it and keep moving forward, no matter how rough the draft is. If I think of something that needs to be fixed, I make a note of it, knowing I can do this when I complete the first full edit. This approach has saved me months of work.

    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    I like to write first thing in the morning and I’m lucky I don’t need to be at my day job until 10:30am giving me a good chunk of time to get stuck in. Afternoons are for editing and plotting.

    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
    I do plot but not to the inth degree. I prefer to call myself a plantser. I plan out quite a lot as regards what happens in each chapter and overall and after that, I fly by the seat of my pants. I’ve also learned to give my characters free reign because they often have a better idea of what they’re up to than I do. I used to try to corral them into shape, now I give them their head and hold on tight. They don’t often let me down and often the story is stronger for me leaving them to it.

    8. Can you name three or four of your current favourite books or recent reads?
    Yes, and they all belong to a series I’ve been following. The Blackwood Security series by Elise Nobel are a wonderful read. Emmy Blackwood is a bit like a female James Bond, and the books are full-on action with the bad guys getting a good dealing to. They’re also very funny in places (in a dark sort of way), and with lots of hot men in the offing, what’s not to love?

    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    I’m currently working on DietVale, a comic horror set on a fat farm in a remote corner of New Zealand. The inspiration behind the novel was watching the likes of Survivor and the Biggest Loser and wondering what would happen if those two worlds collided? Both shows put their contestants through hell, so why not ramp it up and have a few laughs along the way. It’s amazing the ‘gallows’ humour that comes out when people are truly facing adversity.

    I’m up to the editing stage, adding more tension and fixing any plot issues. So far, it’s reading well and I hope to have it out to my horror beta readers in the next week or two.

    In the background I’ve been working on my next adventure, which will be a seven book series, but it’s too early to talk about that yet, with far too much research still required.

    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    While I believe there are those who can sit down and write a cracking book, these individuals are incredibly rare. Even if able to tell an amazing story to friends and family, I believe every budding writer needs to take a course or two, especially when it comes to the fundamentals like structure, plot, characterisation, etc.

    Having said that, there also comes a time when you have to put pen to paper, or fingers on the keyboard. Don’t become a course junkie, simply take one or two to get you going, confident you’re not going to have to rewrite everything when you realise the rookie mistakes you’ve made.

    Strapped for Cash
    Strapped for Cash - Cover
    Historic art thefts and forgeries. Blackmail capable of bringing down a government. Slap and tickle that could prove fatal. Will Brenda ever make a living that doesn’t involve crusty old men? Since puberty, Brenda has never had any issues with money. She’s always been more than well cared for by the old guys she’s latched onto. She drapes herself over them in public, providing company and kudos; they pay for everything.

    Set in London at the end of the seventies, when the country was grappling with the iron rule of Margaret Thatcher, and the economy was in serious need of some CPR, we see Brenda struggling to sort out her own finances, with the irony she’s being screwed out of her own nest egg by a bloke not lost on her.

    But, never keen on the nine-to-five and much preferring ninety-five-and-loaded, Brenda opens a school for girls, teaching the art of opening the wallets of old chaps who can afford it. She hopes it pans out, because apart from the financial implications, she doesn’t fancy a love life that’s destined to be littered with dodgy prostates and emergency CPR. Perhaps the most valuable thing she learns through her school is there’s a lot more to family than the blood relations you’ve been lumbered with.

    Strapped for Cash is the third in Andrene Low’s Sexy Seventies Series with humour that takes no prisoners—unless that’s what they’re paying for.

    ​Originally published as “Screwed for Money” so check out all the lovely 4 and 5 star reviews over there


    Excerpt of Strapped for Cash

    ALL THIS EFFING WHITE! Jeez, Martin might just as well have popped his clogs already. Cue the sodding harp music.
    Brenda hates hospitals with a passion and adding to this misery, her arse hurts, thanks to a chair designed to ensure any visit is brief. It hasn’t been upholstered: the bloody thing’s been panel-beaten.
    Holding the clammy hand of her elderly lover, Martin McGowan, she can’t help but feel responsible for his current condition. It had been her idea to try that particular position and it was only due to her rough and ready mouth-to-mouth that he hadn’t snuffed it on the spot. Although, he’d assured her while they were waiting for the ambulance that he wouldn’t have minded kicking the bucket in such a spectacular fashion.
    A vision in white pops her head inside the door of Martin’s private room. “She’s on her way.”
    “Bloody hell, I’d better go.” Brenda disengages her hand and is unable to stop herself from wiping it on her jeans. A quick kiss to Martin’s forehead confirms this is also covered in a fine sheen of cold sweat, though how anyone could feel chilly in Melbourne in the middle of a stinking hot February is beyond her. If anything, it feels even hotter inside the air-conditioned hospital than it had outside where there had at least been a lacklustre breeze.
    Thoughts of longer goodbyes are forestalled when they both hear Mrs McGowan’s strident tones at the other end of the ward, already ordering people about.
    “You’d better go or we might have another heart attack on our hands,” says Martin, grimacing.
    Brenda isn’t sure if he’s referring to his harridan of a missus or if he’s experiencing more chest pains. Either way, she punches the call button before hightailing it out of the room, managing to disappear into the patient lounge just along from his room without being spotted.
    Waiting in hopes that Mrs McGowan’s visit will be of the brief variety, Brenda stares out the large window that allows unforgiving light to flood the room. If it hadn’t been an emergency, Brenda doubts Martin would be in a public hospital but the ambulance had come here and so here he stays. His bitch of a wife hasn’t stopped living up to her reputation since the first hospital corner had been tucked in using a T-square and protractor.
    She’s flipped through all the women’s magazines and is down to reading pamphlets on prostate health before she decides to bail. Bloody woman’s arse cheeks must be iron.
    After a steadying breath, she readies to make good on her escape, releasing her long, dark hair from the ponytail high up on the back of her head and draping it artfully around her face. Pulling her jacket on to cover her skimpy red boob tube, with head down, she hurries past Martin’s glass-windowed room as fast as her platform shoes and ankle-trapping flares will allow. It’s not that she’s worried about having a showdown with Mrs McGowan but she’d prefer to avoid anything that might upset Martin.
    She’d take that cow on in a heartbeat.
    Brenda’s surprised at how upset she is over Martin’s ill-health. Sure, he’d started out as a meal ticket, but she’s come to care for the old codger. Even the sex hadn’t been too bad, although she’ll be cautious about that in the future. It wasn’t as if either of them wanted to risk necrophilia.
    Near the double doors fronting the ward, she hears Mrs McGowan’s cut-glass tones. “For goodness sake, if you haven’t managed to find a pulse by now, he doesn’t have one.”
    Freezing, Brenda listens hard. Unable to hear the nurse’s response, she retraces her footsteps to one side of the door to Martin’s room. On hearing him trying to placate his wife, she slumps back against the wall.
    “How much longer must I suffer visiting my husband in this, this …?”
    Brenda can clearly envisage the expression that must be pasted on the woman’s face. It’s the ‘poo under the nose’ look she uses at the least provocation and Brenda’s borne the brunt of it in the past. So what if she was caught swimming in the McGowan’s pool in her undies? Martin hadn’t given a hoot.
    The distinctive rattle of the clipboard being unhooked from the end of Martin’s bed follows, then the sound of charts being flipped.
    “It looks as though it’ll be another week,” says the nurse, her voice firm. She adds “Maybe even longer,” and Brenda hears a touch of glee.
    “For goodness sake, this simply won’t do! I’m going to arrange a transfer right now.”
    The visitor’s chair screeches in relief and Brenda knows she’ll never make it out of the ward in time. Luckily there’s a door right behind her and, without hesitation, she opens it, walks in and closes it quietly before sliding to the side so she’s not visible through the tall skinny viewing pane. Her hopes that the room is vacant are dashed when a creaky and rather hopeful voice says, “Are you here to give me my enema?

    Where to Buy Strapped for Cash
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    Writers on Wednesday Featuring Tracy Krimmer


    Writers on Wednesday
    tracy Krimmer
    Tracy Krimmer loves coffee, popcorn, Drew Barrymore, and the movie Saving Silverman. She enjoys reading great books (of course) and writing realistic characters for you to enjoy. When she listens to music she prefers the 80s and 90s music she grew up on. In a typical day you’ll find her writing at one of her favorite spots–on the couch, at the kitchen table, or at her favorite hometown coffee shop.

    1. What was the inspiration for your latest novel?
    Christmas! My upcoming book, Something Just Like This, is very loosely based on How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I wanted to write a holiday book based on a favorite. The story took on a mind of its own, which they often do!
    2. When did you take up writing?
    I can barely remember a time NOT writing. I’ve always loved reading, and the earliest I can remember writing is around third grade. I wrote stories, poems, and journal entries from the time I was young.
    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
    All my books take place in smaller towns or cities. I’ve never lived in a large city, and I like to write what I know. I’m not a big city person. The crowds are too much!
    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    My favorite in Something Just Like This is my main character’s brother, Hunter. He’s going through a lot and wants a second chance in life. Even though he’s not in the book a lot, I liked writing him.
    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    Don’t listen to other’s advice! Everyone’s journey in writing is their own. You can only follow your heart and your own path.
    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    Yes and no! I tend to work out in the morning, watch The View, eat lunch, and then write for a few hours. When I’m really in a groove, I’ll write for a bit right when I wake up. I tend to never write on the weekends. If I do anything writing-related on the weekends, it’s usually administrative or putting together newsletters.
    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
    I’m a little bit of both. I like to plan out the first few chapters and then let my characters take over.
    8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books or recent reads?
    Yes! In no particular order, Three Last First Dates by Kate O’Keeffe, Snowed in with a Billionaire by Karen Booth, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult, and Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris are reads I read over the past year I really enjoyed.
    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    Well, Something Just Like This releases on February 14. Once that release is all set, I’ll be revisiting All That Doesn’t, book 2 in my All That series. I want to revise the first draft and get that off to beta readers and start writing the last book, All That Matters. I want to release both in 2018.
    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    The only thing a writer can do—write. The more you write, the better you get. And you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t write.

    Something Just Like This
    Something Just Like This - Cover
    Love? Second chances? That crap is for romantics, not realists like Juliette. She has a bad attitude about love and an even worse one when it comes to second chances. And she may dress like an elf for a few weeks out of the year, but that doesn’t mean she loves Christmas.
    Stability? Purpose? Landon is surfing a pleasant wave of both until he’s fired. Devastating news from his sister certainly doesn’t help. At least he has the holidays to look forward to.
    ​When Landon shows up at the mall and Juliette prevents a disaster, he can’t stop thinking about that sweet elf. Juliette doesn’t believe in the spirit of Christmas, but she can’t help but wonder why Landon was in her line that day. Could Landon deserve one of those second chances she’s so unwilling to give?

    Excerpt of Something Just Like This
    ​“Don’t be a Grinch!”
    “Huh?” I lift my gaze and my best friend and co-worker Carly stands in the doorway, the smile so bright on her face it almost blinds me. “What do you mean don’t be a Grinch?”
    “Oh, you know,” she says as she makes her way into the room, planting herself in my chair. “Like you are every holiday season.”
    “I’m not a Grinch.” Maybe I am. I try my best not to show it. It’s possible I don’t have a convincing poker face. Poker was never my game, anyway.
    “You most certainly are. Every Christmas party you sulk at the table drinking gin and tonic and refuse to join in on anything. This year, you are in. You’ll be the life of the party.”
    “Over my dead body.”
    “Shit, Jules, your stiff body would be a better time than you are alive at these functions.”
    She’s right, and I know it. Why is she always right? I want to take offense but it’s no secret I’m not Christmas’s biggest fan. I may be the only elf working at the mall that despises it. The elf job isn’t for me, though. I do it for others. That’s festive, isn’t it? Isn’t Christmas about giving? I do plenty of that.
    “Leave me alone. And why are you so bubbly? Did you drink a bottle of bubble bath or something?” I grab the container of pens, staples, and paperclips out of the box and place them on the desk. This is much easier to deal with than the picture of my family with our fake smiles.
    “Oh, I don’t know.”
    She dots her face with her fingertips, moving them around from one side to the other. Why is she acting so weird? “Wait.” I stop when I see it. “Are you wearing an engagement ring?”
    She squeals and pops out of the chair, rushing over to show me. Her hand misses smacking me in the face as she shows off her princess cut ring, sparkles and all. “Pretty.”
    “Pretty? Are you kidding me right now, Jules? This ring is gorgeous and fit for the fairest princess in the land.”
    “Which is you, I assume.”
    “What crawled into your pants this morning? Or should I ask who didn’t? Another bad date, huh?”
    I shrug, not in the mood to discuss my date with Romeo. No joke. My cousin Dana claimed she found the perfect guy for me, and I said yes to a blind date. His name was Romy, like Mira Sorvino in that movie Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion. I’d only ever heard the name Romy from that movie. It turned out he used Romy as a nickname for Romeo. Yeah. Dana set me up with a Romeo because of course we’d be Romeo and Juliette. Barf. I don’t even spell my name like the Shakespearean character, and the last thing I would ever do is poison myself over a man. Dana had her fun. I did not. She’s never setting me up again.
    “Let’s say I got home very early, watched an entire movie, and was asleep by ten.”
    “Ouch. That is a bad date.”

    Where to Buy Something Just Like This

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    Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen Blog Tour


    Promo Signup || Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen by Colette Kebell (Blog Tour 1/29-2/4)Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen! (Or so Mother Says by Colette Kebell Published by Skittish Endeavours on December 25, 2014 Genre: Chick Lit

    A Chick Lit Lover’s Delight. Fashion may be the central theme; along with a nagging mother, but with friendships, intrigue, a villain, romance, food and laughter too.

    GiGi is a woman with a mission: to help people improve the way they look, increase their self-esteem, and eventually, make them happier people. Being a personal shopper is a dark art, with few tangible rewards. Spread by word of mouth, her clients would never admit they needed her assistance. Let us be honest, who would admit to being in need of a style consultant?

    The first step is to admit you need help with your wardrobe. When you have recognised that, you are on the path to recovery, and GiGi’s services will help you, despite her mother nagging that she is not doing a “real” job.

    So, is it just a matter of going around and helping people buy clothes and shoes?

    Not quite so. Money is tight; GiGi has to work with wealthy and eccentric people, who often do not have any idea about what they want. She and her business partner Ritchie are in a constant struggle to keep the business afloat, but as they say in Dragon’s Den, she is very investable. But, with success comes the difficulties, the Battersea Fashion Center is going to open soon, and they claim they will be fierce competitors.

    With the constant struggle to keep her business afloat; a powerful enemy lining up ready to make a meal out of her, knowing well that GiGi’s approach, eventually, will make her successful. The business expands, and they take onboard new partners, making them one of the most influential fashion consultancy firms in London. But, with a very demanding job, hours spent working, will she be able to balance her career and her private life?

    About Colette Kebell

    Colette Kebell is an author of Chicklit, though a relatively new one and thus far has self-published her books. Her books are light-hearted, fun and quirky and even considered by some to be inspirational. She has also found avenues to translate both into Italian (thanks to her husband), and one, thus far, into French, Spanish and Portuguese via Babelcube.

    As a career, Colette spent her later years as a legal secretary. After a first attempt at writing many years ago (a book that still remains in her drawer) she resumed this passion a few years back, following being made redundant. After a few book signing events and a book talk, which almost caused her to collapse with nerves, Colette now spends her time between her home in the UK and her home in France.

    Colette has two adorable dogs and spends some time, when not writing and marketing her books, cooking for herself and her husband, gardening or designing various items for their home. Amongst her other hobbies, she has also experimented with furniture upholstery, and she might, from time to time, have a paintbrush in her hand.

    She can be found on twitter @ColetteKebell though doesn’t tweet a vast amount.

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    Excerpt from Blue and Green Should Never Be Seen

    Colette Kebell
    1/29/2018 10:00:30 am

    I just wanted to pop on by to say a massive thank you, Monique for taking part in my current #Blog #Tour organised by #Karan & Co. This means more to me than you can imagine both from your efforts and Karan & Co’s. Also, for any that are interested, both my books are half-price (so mega cheap) on #Amazon currently, to coincide with this blog tour. Happy reading all, as without all your readers (myself included) where would us authors be 🙂 You are all very much appreciated and I know that ever author on this planet hopes to bring enjoyment to each and every reader, no matter the genre, as otherwise we wouldn’t get up in the mornings to write and you would have no books to read 🙂 Thank you all so much :)x x
    Monique McDonell
    1/30/2018 12:07:01 am

    You are very welcome Collette, so happy to host you. As a reader I’m always looking for new authors and I know those who visit here are as well.

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    Beyond Physical Blog Tour


    Beyond Physical - Cover
    Someone is murdering politicians all over the country, and everything points to supernatural forces at work. But FBI agent Richard Fields has always relied on his strong sense of logic and is determined to expose the truth.

    The lazy beach-town of Fort Sunshine, Florida seems to be the epicenter of a secret New Age society implicated in the murders. Richard’s way of finding the killers may end up being Dr. Joy Clayton, a woman who intrigues him. She magnetizes Richard, but he knows better than to trust someone who looks too good to be true. In order to solve the mystery, he’ll have to infiltrate himself in her life and uncover her secrets. He will also need to immerse himself in the teachings of an uncommon Spiritual Master who will shake his skeptical world.

    Solving the case not only holds the future to Richard’s career, it’s also a matter of National Security. The clock is ticking before the assassins strike again. But as Richard is forced to go beyond his logic and physical senses, he may find himself fighting an enemy larger than he expected––his own demons.







    About the Author
    D. Pichardo Johansson
    D. Pichardo-Johansson is a Board Certified physician practicing in Florida. Her Romance specialty is “Connection of the minds and the souls, more than only the bodies.” Her Mystery specialty is “How to murder someone and ensure a negative autopsy.”

    She’s also a firm believer in the body-mind-spirit link and the healing power of laughter. Her motto is that The Best Health Booster Is Wanting to be Alive. For that reason, she only writes positive stories, uplifting for the heart.

    D. Pichardo-Johansson is a self-proclaimed “Expert on Finding Love Against All Prognoses.” She lives in Melbourne Beach, Florida with her Soulmate Husband—a reformed eternal bachelor turned into happy stepfather—and her four children, including twins and a child with special needs.










    Connect with the Author
    ​Website: http://www.pichardo-johansson-md.com/
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17347672.D_Pichardo_Johansson
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DPJohanssonMD
    Amazon Author: https://www.amazon.com/D-Pichardo-Johansson/e/B071G6VF64/
    Newsletter Signup: http://www.pichardo-johansson-md.com/sign_up_form/

    Excerpt from Beyond Physical
    ​Richard felt an inexplicable frustration rise in him. “How could I believe in anything holding together the universe? Look around you, and you’ll see the chaos in the world. There’s suffering everywhere we go: death, cancer, natural disasters, people killing their own children, hate, war—”
    She cut him off. “There’s also love, laughter, people following their passion, people helping other people in times of need, brave souls overcoming tragedies and walking out of them as improved human beings.”
    Grunting, he shook his head. He couldn’t explain the passion he was feeling. “Oh, Joy, you’re so naïve. That laughter, that love, is unfairly distributed. They’re a privilege of only a handful of people on the planet.”
    Joy sighed. “And like Martin Luther King said, all I can do is to be the change I want to see.”
    “I don’t mean to be offensive,” he replied, “but just to believe that change is possible, you must have had a sheltered life. I bet you’ve never been held up at gunpoint or beaten up for being different. I bet you’ve never seen your children hungry and wondered what’s it going to take for you to be able to feed them.”
    She didn’t answer. He should’ve felt glad to have had the last word; but instead, he felt somehow disappointed. He had to admit he’d started to enjoy the verbal duel and resented its ending.
    Stillness filled the car for the rest of the ride to the Hospice House. As Richard cooled down, he feared he’d spoken too much. (…)
    They arrived at Richard’s large SUV in the parking lot. He started walking toward his car, but then, feeling a need to mend things up, he turned back. He tapped her window until she opened it and then held her arm to prevent her from leaving.
    “I hope my negative comments didn’t make you reconsider your offer to let me shadow you. I have a lot to learn from you.”
    She didn’t answer, and she didn’t look happy. He added, “I don’t think you’re the type of person who’d discriminate against someone for their religious preferences. In the same way, I’m hopeful that you won’t discriminate against me because I’m a non-believer.”
    To his relief, Joy smiled,(…)
    She spoke slowly. Her voice was calm. “Richard, you have a typical case of anger against God. Think about it. You’re angry with God. By definition, you can’t be angry with someone you don’t believe exists. Therefore, you do believe in God.”
    Richard froze.
    She smiled. “Conclusion: you’re not a non-believer; you’re an angry believer.”
    He gaped at her, speechless. Her smile shifted into a smirk. “Have a good night.”
    Then she took off, leaving him standing in the parking lot, unable to answer.
    A strange rush of excitement came upon him, reminding him of a time practicing judo with a worthy contestant who’d surprised him with a master judo hold. He smiled.
    That had been the most stimulating debate he’d had in ages.

    Where to Find Beyond Physical
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    Beyond Physical Release Blitz


    Happy release day to D. Pichardo-Johansson! BEYOND PHYSICAL is available now!
    Promo Signup || Beyond Physical by D. Pichardo Johansson (1/4 Cover Reveal, 1/15 Release Blitz, 1/22-1/26 Blog Tour)Beyond Physical by D. Pichardo-Johansson Series: Beyond Romance #1 Published by D. Pichardo-Johansson on January 15, 2018 Genre: Mystery Romance

    Someone is murdering politicians all over the country, and everything points to supernatural forces at work. But FBI agent Richard Fields has always relied on his strong sense of logic and is determined to expose the truth.

    The lazy beach-town of Fort Sunshine, Florida seems to be the epicenter of a secret New Age society implicated in the murders. Richard’s way of finding the killers may end up being Dr. Joy Clayton, a woman who intrigues him. She magnetizes Richard, but he knows better than to trust someone who looks too good to be true. In order to solve the mystery, he’ll have to infiltrate himself in her life and uncover her secrets. He will also need to immerse himself in the teachings of an uncommon Spiritual Master who will shake his skeptical world.

    Solving the case not only holds the future to Richard’s career, it’s also a matter of National Security. The clock is ticking before the assassins strike again. But as Richard is forced to go beyond his logic and physical senses, he may find himself fighting an enemy larger than he expected––his own demons.

    About D. Pichardo-Johansson

    Dr. Pichardo-Johansson is a Board Certified physician practicing in Florida. Her Romance specialty is “Connection of the minds and the souls, more than only the bodies.” Her Mystery specialty is “How to murder someone and ensure a negative autopsy.”

    She’s also a firm believer in the body-mind-spirit link and the healing power of laughter. Her motto is that The Best Health Booster Is Wanting to be Alive. For that reason, she only writes positive stories, uplifting for the heart.

    Dr. Pichardo-Johansson is a self-proclaimed “Expert on Finding Love Against All Prognoses.” She lives in Melbourne Beach, Florida with her Soulmate Husband—a reformed eternal bachelor turned into happy stepfather—and her four children, including twins and a child with special needs.

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    Writers on Wednesday Featuring Diane Michaels


    Writers on Wednesday

    Diane MichaelsDiane Michaels is a professional harpist living in New Jersey. Her career has taken her from Carnegie Hall to the wedding hall (she has played at least 1000 weddings). Her articles on establishing and sustaining a career as a musician have appeared in Harp Column and Allegro. When not performing or writing, she and her husband make up songs about and for their miniature poodle, Lola.
    1. What was the inspiration for your latest novel?
    My newest novel, “Ellen at Sea,” follows Ellen aboard a cruise ship where she will work as a harpist. I’ve borrowed a little of my own biography for this novel, having performed as a harpist on both the QE2 and the Seven Seas Navigator. Cruising is awesome, as is working aboard a cruise ship. I hope my readers enjoy taking a vicarious cruise!
    2. When did you take up writing?
    I always dove into my creative writing assignments back in elementary school. When I was seven or eight, I wrote a parody of “The Night Before Christmas” as a Thanksgiving present for the relative who was hosting our family dinner. It was so fun to write, and I loved sharing it with my relatives.
    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
    Whether a novel is set in an exotic locale or someplace more familiar, I want to bring the reader into the world I’m creating. Plot may drive a novel, but as a reader, I love taking my time to savor the words authors choose to set a scene.
    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    Hmm… One character I found especially fun to write was Sheldon, an older gentleman and pianist who torments Ellen with his unsolicited though immensely valuable advice.
    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    Best may be too hard to pin down. “Just write,” for starters. My ninth grade English teacher taught us there is nothing new under the sun. When I grow frustrated that I can’t prove her wrong when I’m looking for ideas for a novel, I turn to this quote by the composer, Igor Stravinsky: “Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal.” This is why my first books are about a harpist: I’m stealing from myself. Write what you know, they say!
    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    I prefer to write in the middle of the day. I often get a lot of ideas — or work through ideas — while I’m at the gym after breakfast. I take a few months off from writing during the year as I’ve found writing and practicing the harp sap the same sources of inspiration and energy. If I have a lot of concerts to prepare for, I’ll shift into an editing or marketing phase.
    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
    I am a plantser – a hybrid between plotter and pantser.
    8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books or recent reads?
    I’ve had a lot of fun reading Kate O’Keeffe’s Cozy Cottage Café series. I enjoyed David Sedaris’ “Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977-2002.” He has a gift for understatement and misdirection in his humor.
    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    I’ve just begun to write book three of the Ellen the Harpist series. But I keep distracting myself with ideas for a different novel.
    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    ​Just write. No, there are a lot of other things worth doing, too. Read great books in the genre similar to the one you want to write. Understand why they work. You can read about writing, too, but it’s important to go to the source. The biggest mistake I made with my first novel was not building an author platform. I kept my work on the manuscript private. No one was expecting (or waiting for) my novel when I set her free.

    Ellen at Sea
    Ellen at Sea - Cover​​Who a harpist brings with her for a four-month long gig aboard a cruise ship:
    Her best friend. A lock-picking pianist. And a blow up doll.

    Who she leaves behind…

    When Ellen’s boyfriend Josh goes on the road with a Broadway touring production, Ellen takes to the high seas. Can tropical destinations, a busy performance schedule, and cheap booze in the crew bar distract her from the heartache of her separation from Josh? Or will her mother’s devastating news and her best friend’s antics send her overboard?

    Excerpt of Ellen at Sea
    ​Halfway through my last set of the night, an older man in a tuxedo with velvet lapels and a ruffled tux shirt entered the lounge. He leaned against the wall, staring at me with a laser-like focus. Atop his head sat a jet-black hairpiece of such girth, I was sure it had a heartbeat of its own. His skin was a well-seasoned shade of tan. It stretched tightly from side to side, pulling his mouth and eyes into horizontal lines. His eyes never left me. I shuddered. Tapping the lower right corner of my tablet to turn the page when I finished Embraceable You, I smiled in anticipation of playing the next tune, Adele’s Someone Like You.

    The arpeggiated pattern of the intro soothed me. I plucked the ascending and descending notes with my left hand and floated the melody line above it. My new fan was having none of it.

    “What are you doing? You’re going to lose your audience. Look around. Who do you see?” He asked, his tone implying I possessed a less than agile mind.

    A group of guys my age was doing shots at the bar, their laughter and playful swats at each other indicating this wasn’t the first round. People my mother’s age filled most of the tables near me, but none had paid any attention to me since they came into the lounge.

    “The guests want to hear something lively. Play Under the Boardwalk.”

    Who did he think he was, instructing me what I should or shouldn’t play? “I don’t know it.”

    “You’ll learn it.” Mr. Bossy Pants pounded out the bass line on the piano and called out, “I’m in G. Play this pattern. Good. Keep the rhythm going.” I plucked along for two bars before he came in with the melody. The room came to life. People sang along. A boisterous round of applause broke out as we ended the tune. Rather than allow me to savor our success, he commanded me to play something else.

    I scrolled through my repertoire list on the tablet, struggling to think of a tune he’d approve of. “What’s taking you so long? Just play anything. And who told you to put the harp like that? Here.” He grabbed the column of my harp and tugged it to face into the room. How dare he move my harp without asking! Doesn’t he know how expensive it is? I grimaced at him through lowered eyelids as I readjusted my bench and stand to my harp’s new position. Fearful of frustrating my tormentor further while I mulled over what tune to play next, I turned off the tablet and played Eleanor Rigby from memory.

    “Well, now you’re playing the right music, but the guests can’t hear you. Play the right hand an octave higher. That will cut through the room noise.” I jumped my hand up the strings, wincing at how my new arrangement sounded like a track from the Chipmunks’ Beatles tribute album.

    I endured fifteen more minutes of his harassing interference until 9:30 finally arrived. Even while I covered my harp, he refused to leave me alone. “I’m Sheldon. I’ve been doing this since before your parents were born. Everyone in New York knows me. I’ve played in every club, I’ve played with every great musician, and I’ve played for everyone who matters. I’m the real deal. I’m too old now to perform like I used to, but I like to work aboard a ship once a year for a month during the holidays. You have a lot to learn. I want to teach you how to be an entertainer because I see something in you. You’re great at playing the harp. I will train you how to be great at playing for people with drinks in their hands. Now get this harp out of here. It’s blocking the seats around the piano.”

    Where to Buy Ellen at Sea

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    The Write Balance


    Vintage Scales
    Last weekend I was at a writing retreat with the gorgeous members of my writing group. It was about starting the year with some real momentum.

    We spent a lot of time on goal setting, pulling together the skeleton of a group project, doing some workshops and yes, even writing. It was awesome and inspiring – and it was also a heatwave and the mercury hit 112 degrees on Sunday but we soldiered on. Go us!

    Let me back-track a little. 2017 kind of kicked my butt.

    Here are some fun facts about me:
    – I released 6 books last year – about 300,000 words worth.
    – I worked 4 days a week for a small non-profit but my workplace was crazy stressful and the truth is I did 5 days a week in 4.I spend my days focusing on global poverty and disease, switching gears can be a challenge.
    – I’m in the sandwich generation. I have a teenage daughter who needs my attention and parents who increasingly rely on me for things both physical and emotional. My husband is lovely but he is the opposite of stressed.
    – I have a reasonable social life although it suffered last year, still I like people as long as I get downtime as well.
    – I have a couple of health conditions that make it hard for me to lose weight (hello PCOS and endometriosis), important that I don’t gain it and of course I gained a few kilos. I’ve always been skinny so this is not good for my morale at all.
    – Oh yeah, I have a spur in my neck and pretty limited movement there so I need to be mindful of that.
    – Oh yes and sleep is elusive as it is for so many.

    Thus I ended 2017 exhausted and feeling like I needed to move again.

    (I’m not saying any of that to complain. That’s what my life looks like. It’s a good life. It’s a fun life and it’s a full life but sometimes you do need to take stock).

    I have 8 projects planned for 2018 and I’m still in that job and if you know anything about the Australian education system add in that my gorgeous daughter is doing her HSC..oh yeah and she plans to go away for Uni (unusual in Australia) so my miracle baby and I have only one more year together. Another big year looms large.

    So back to the retreat – on Saturday morning my friend Pam and I drove to get some supplies and I explained my schedule to her…at my home desk at 7ish, off to work, home to juggle family, back to the home desk…so I said “Well I’m awake at 2am I could go to the gym then because I’m awake, but I’m nervous about being there alone.” We had a chuckle and yet when we did our goal setting it came up again. I was considering it.

    I came home and I really gave it some serious thought. I even discussed it with my husband.

    And then on Tuesday I stopped, looked in the mirror and thought. “Are you insane? You can’t go exercise at 2am, do your job and all this other stuff…What are you thinking?”

    What I was thinking was I have no other time. Still, I have to find time. 2am is not an option.
    So I went and got myself a new Fitbit. Step 1.
    I stocked my pantry with lots of healthy things – I can embrace the superfoods as long as no one mentions kale.
    And I bought a book Called “Two Minute Exercises”.
    Everyone has two minutes and every one has two minutes five times a day. That’s my theory and that’s my plan.

    This post is to keep my mildly accountable – I’ll come back in a month and let you know if I failed.

    Lots of writers are like me. We sit too much especially those of us with desk jobs as well, our bodies suffer and women, well lots of us put ourselves last. I know lots dictate their novel as they walk and I’m looking at that for April/May. For now, this is my plan.

    You might be like me and want to join me. You’d be very welcome.