Today’s guest blogger is author Engy Albasel Neville and her blog post is written from the perspective of the protagonist of A Leap in Time, Lexi Carter.
Past Life, Present Connections by Lexi Carter, A Leap In Time.
Growing up, I always gravitated towards ancient cities and places that have been forgotten with time. The stories of the people, remembered only in the pages of history pages tugged at me in a way that I couldn’t explain. Even to the people closest to me.
In high school and college, I studied Latin and in my early twenties, I found myself in antique stores for fun. I know … it sounds strange for a twenty something year old to love antique stores as much as I did. But I did.
One day, I stumbled upon an antique painting that changed my life forever. Even though I had never laid eyes on the painting before that day, I felt a deep connection to the landscape of the ancient city portrayed in it. This will sound weird but I felt like I had been there before. Have you ever felt that way about a place you’ve never been to? I couldn’t put my finger on why I loved the painting so much. All I knew was that I needed to have it.
To my shock, I discovered the painting was enchanted, as in a time portal to another world … ancient Pompeii to be exact. Can you believe it? I couldn’t until I blinked and found myself there, actually there in Pompeii.
So much has happened since my first accidental trip there but I wouldn’t spoil the story for you. You can read more about my journey to ancient Pompeii and the incredible man that stole my heart in A Leap In Time. I hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I did.
Lexi XX

The inspiration for Martin in A Leap in TIme
The inspiration for Lexi in A Leap in Time.
About the author
I’m Engy. I’m a mom, a wife, an amateur chef, yogini, bookworm, a nature lover and a hopeless romantic.
Prior to writing full time, I worked in the entertainment industry and later in brand consulting. Some of the interesting personalities I met along the way have inspired the characters in my books. I currently reside on Long Island, New York with my husband, two toddlers and dog.
Book Blurb for A Leap in Time
The morning after hanging an antique painting, Lexi Carter notices strange noises in her living room. Scared beyond words, she confronts the sounds only to discover that the landscape itself has come alive. Did Roman soldiers on horseback just gallop across the thing?
She impulsively touches the painting and is sucked into the world of ancient Pompeii. Lexi meets Marcus, a Roman Adonis, who occupies her every thought, and sends her senses into a tailspin.
The year is 59AD and Pompeii is at its peak of glory and prosperity. Lexi is faced with the decision of choosing between two worlds, her modern day Los Angeles or ancient Pompeii…with the man who captured her heart and soul.
Where to find Engy:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EngyAlbaselNeville
Twitter: www.twitter.com/EngyANeville
Instagram: www.instagram.com/Engy_Neville
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/EngyANeville
Goodreads (Author Page): www.goodreads.com/EngyAlbaselNeville Goodreads (Book Page): www.goodreads.com/book/show/23453246-a-leap- in-time
Amazon (Author Page): www.amazon.com/Engy-Albasel- Neville/e/B00P64IB2O
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Amazon: http://bit.ly/ALeapInTimeAmazon
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The Wild Rose Press: http://bit.ly/ALeapInTimeWildRosePress