
So today has been kind of a crazy kind of a day for me but not all that unusual. It made me think about all the aspects of my writing life that don’t actually involve writing so I thought I’d step you through some of what I did.
Just as an overview I have one book that is in edits for October release (Any Way You Fight It), one book that my BETA readers are reviewing (Any Way You Plan It) and one book I’m doing the rewrites on for the BETA readers Any Way You Want It.
So here’s a look at what my day has looked like in no particular order:
1. I woke up to my pretty new series banner for my series (see it above) so emailed my designer Erin and said thank you.
2. Erin also had a draft paperback cover for me (books 1 and 2 together in a book) so I emailed her about that.
3. Emailed my writing group for feedback on a paper back book cover for a combined Book 1 &2 and to discuss a possible book launch.
4. Did my usual round of the Facebook author groups I belong to or run and commented.
5. Had an email chat with a BETA reader on her thoughts about Any Way You Plan It.
6. Replied to an email from my editor about the edits coming later today.
7. Promoted a book on sale on several FB reader groups.
8. Posted a book cover to Instagram.
9. Lined up paid promo for Alphabet Dating for late October (the book is set during November so that makes sense).
10. Replied to emails from my writing group about paperback cover and launch.
11. Worked out paperback specs for book cover designer – how many pages affects the spine width.
12. Set up a blog tour for Any Way You Fight It myself (running my own this time so emailed bloggers and authors I know).
13. Emailed book covers to author for a blog hop I’m helping run next week – Here Comes the Bride Blog Hop.
14. Set up rafflecopter for the Here Comes the Bride Blog Hop.
15. Wrote author questions for Here Comes the Bride Blog Hop.
16. Received edits for Any Way You Fight It and read through the basic feedback, replied to editor via email.
17. Scheduled some social media.
18. Wrote this blog post.
19. Liaised with blog tour operator about scheduling a Facebook party for Any Way You Want It launch for November.
20. Interacting on my various social media platforms with readers.

Now I don’t do all this stuff everyday, but it’s not typical.
Just have a quick look at that list – no writing has taken place yet, and no editing either.
I have set myself the challenge of writing #1000wordsaday as regular readers know and so I still have to do that.
There are things on my list I never will get to today. (I have had to work today, for my actual job, and it’s school holidays/vacation here so there are plenty of other distractions too).
Anyway I thought it was an interesting exercise. I know there are plenty of people who wonder what I do all day and I wonder myself where the time goes. It’s true some days I clearly do stuff about, and some days I spend a lot of time writing or hours editing or planning.
So if you wonder what a writer’s day looks like in the digital age, here’s an example.
Pixel Peeper
9/24/2015 04:54:50 pm
Wow…I get tired just reading the list! Sometimes, we people with “regular” 9-5 office jobs are jealous of the “relaxed, flit-around-all-day, socializing” people who are self employed and we rarely think about all the very real work that is involved in getting a book out there – and does not involve actually writing the book.
Looking forward to all your books!
9/24/2015 04:57:55 pm
Thanks Pixel…sometimes it’s good to get a look behind the scenes.
Sandie Docker
9/29/2015 11:54:44 pm
Holy Cow! How do writers find the time to write?????
9/30/2015 12:49:56 am
I think finding the balance is vert hard Sandy 🙂
Julie Valerie @Julie_Valerie
9/30/2015 05:25:12 am
Amazing we find time to write! I feel like copying this list and keeping it in my back pocket so that every time someone asks, “Is your book finished?” I can slam it down on the table and say, “Here. Read this. This is what we do in addition to writing.” Ha! That’ll quiet them.
On another note, this list is proof of your professionalism and hard work. And the universe always rewards hard work! 🙂
Item #21 Added this blog post to the Fiction Writer Blog Hop. (See? The work never ends. It just keeps going and going and going…)
10/4/2015 07:57:21 pm
I know, Julie. I’m sure people think I don’t do a thing all day but that just isn’t true at all for most writers these days, the writing is only a small part of the gig.
Jayne Denker
9/30/2015 06:14:38 am
And folks think we just sit around in our pajamas eating chocolate and daydreaming! Well…we do that too, but not all the time. 😉 (For the record, I am wearing real clothes as I type.)
Brea Brown
9/30/2015 07:29:29 am
Uh… yeah. Exhausting. Which is why I’m such a slacker when it comes to promotion and marketing (and why my sales are so lame, but… whatever). I just can’t make myself sacrifice that writing time to do the drudgery. Ah, well… Maybe someday I’ll rock both sides of the biz, like you do.
10/4/2015 07:58:24 pm
I’m not sure I exactly rock both sides of the biz but no one can say I’m not trying.
Pauline Wiles
9/30/2015 10:05:45 am
I love day in the life posts, but actually this is a great example of all that “other” stuff which keeps us from producing new work.
Barbara Barth
9/30/2015 06:51:23 pm
I’m exhausted from your list – but it is one to learn from, too. Love the book cover!
Tracy Krimmer
10/1/2015 09:23:35 am
Monique, I adore the cover of your book.
10/4/2015 07:59:19 pm
Thanks Tracey and Barbara – it’s such a lovely cover isn’t it? I love it too!