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    Let’s meet the editor of the new magazine BLUSH, designed just for romance readers


    Writers on Wednesday - Rose

    Let’s meet Jacqui Greig the editor of the new magazine BLUSH, designed just for romance readers.

    I was recently at the Romance Writers of Australia Conference in Melbourne where I met Jacqui at a cocktail party. She and her husband looked like glamorous super-models. I had a terrible cold and looked like death warmed up. Still lovely soul that she is we got chatting about all things romance, books and the media. It turns out we did the same degree at the same university – although I was more than a few years ahead of her.

    Naturally I started following Blush on social media and reached out to ask her about the magazine for this blog. What could be more on theme for Writers on Wednesday than writing a blog about someone who writes about writers.

    So here we go:

    1. What made you decide to start a magazine in general?
    My background is in journalism and I’ve worked on several different magazines – I actually published my own print women’s lifestyle magazine for a couple of years! I was aware of some amazing platforms that allow you to host a digital magazine (no overheads!) and I’d always thought that if there were a magazine for romance readers, I would definitely read it! Plus, I kept reading romance novels and getting to The End and wanting MORE! I wanted to know about the author and their inspiration and their thoughts and, basically, what they had for breakfast. Blush gives me an opportunity to fangirl over authors without getting slapped with a restraining order. With so many amazing blogs already dedicated to the genre, I thought a digital magazine could be fun and different.

    2. Why romance novels? What is it about them that excites you?
    I pretty much exclusively read romance. Okay, I definitely exclusively read romance. There is no other genre of book that I could imagine dedicating a whole magazine to. 12 times a year. Nope. But romance? Where do I start?! There is so. much. to. talk. about. I adore the community of romance readers and writers and just want to revel in their awesomeness, which Blush allows me to do!

    3. Who is Blush Magazine for?
    Blush Magazine is for those many, many readers of romance who want more than ‘The End’.​It is a digital magazine taking readers beyond the pages of their favourite books – to meet their favourite authors. ​This the first editorial-based magazine focused solely on the romance novel industry – interviewing authors, following trends, delving into tropes and the many intricacies specific to the romance genre.
    ​Blush Magazine provides insightful, thought-provoking, and fun editorial content on a monthly basis. The September issue just released…and guess whose book happens to get a mention?!

    You can learn more about Blush Magazine here.

    And look here’s Jacqui doing her editorial thing for the magazine and you can see Shut Up and Dance With Me right there!


    Blush Magazine Editors Letter