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    Q&A with author Lisa Becker

    Lisa Becker1. What was the inspiration for your current novel?
    My husband and I met online on a popular dating website. After we married, I was recalling some of the hilarious experiences that I had with both traditional and online dating. I decided to capture some of them in writing and from there, a novel emerged. Click is loosely based on my real-life dating experiences, as well as stories friends
    have shared with me. In some cases, things are written as they actually occurred. Other scenarios are exaggerated for entertainment value or comedic affect. And some scenarios are completely fictionalized. I really did go out on a date with someone I met online who started every story (no joke!) with“My buddies and I were out drinking last night.” The ultimate goal was to create a fun read for anyone who has ever had a bad date, been in love, been dumped, or is searching for “the one.” But, the happy ending is real. Steve and I have been happily married for nine years and have two amazing daughters.

    2. When did you take up writing?
    I started writing the book after my husband and I married but before we had kids. Then I had to take a break from writing due to the rigors of motherhood. But I had always told myself – even as a little girl – that I would write a book one day. So, I made the commitment to finish the book. wrote in the mornings while the girls were at school or at night after they went to sleep. I made it a goal to write – even if only for a half hour – every day.

    3. Click is told entirely in emails. Why?
    Many years ago, I read a book called e by Matthew Beaumont which tells the story of a fictitious ad agency vying for a big account, with the story all told in emails. I thought that narrative style would work really well for the story I wanted to tell about the online dating world. It was a modern way of storytelling that fit the topic and the times.

    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    In Click, I most readily identify with Renee. She and I share a lot of qualities including a self-depreciating sense of humor, fear of flying, motivation in our PR careers and love of baking. But, my favorite character is Shelley. She’s confident, brash, outrageous and wholly unapologetic for her choices. She was so fun to write. Her hilarious habit of giving nicknames to her “man du jour” was inspired by a childhood friend of mine who had a nickname for a guy in college that she admired from across the dorm cafeteria. She called him Maverick because he looked like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Much like Shelley, she is a self-confident, gorgeous, lovely gal and it wasn’t long before they met and dated for a spell.

    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    Some of the best writing advice I was ever given came from an unusual source. I had interviewed Charles Rosen, one of the producers of the original Beverly Hills 90210, for an alumni magazine article while I was in graduate school. And
    I’ll never forget what he told me, “Don’t fall in love with your words, because somebody above will probably change them.” One of the great benefits of self-publishing is that you can really take control of the process.

    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    I don’t have a particular schedule, as it is usually based on when I get a) inspired and b) some quiet time from the
    girls. But I like to write with the television on in the background. When I first started writing, I was obsessed with Law & Order reruns. Now, I can’t seem to get enough of NCIS. I guess there’s a part of me that likes to see justice served.

    7. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books?
    Sadly, I’ve been so busy promoting Click and writing a sequel, I haven’t had much time to read much lately.
    But, I recently discovered the writing of Heather Wardell and have become a huge fan.

    8. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    I recently finished writing the sequel, Double Click, which picks up with Renee, Shelley, Ashley, Mark and Ethan six
    months later. SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Do Renee and Ethan end up together? Does Mark ever go on a date? Has Shelley run out of conquests in Los Angeles? Will Ashley’s judgmental nature sabotage her budding relationship? Double Click answers these questions and more as readers continue to follow the email exploits of Renee and her friends.
    I encourage people to join the Facebook fan page here to get updates on when Double Click will be available.

    9. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    For the last 15 years, I’ve been a public relations professional with one of the largest global PR firms. I’ve worked with some of the biggest consumer companies in the world including McDonald’s, Ford, Sony and Gatorade. And, I’ve spent countless hours writing news releases, by-lined articles, marketing proposals, brochures, advertising copy, public service announcements, radio copy, mat columns, fact sheets, photo captions, media alerts, pitch letters, letters to the editor, video news releases, etc.

    And, I’ve carried Charles Rosen’s words with me every day as colleagues, bosses and clients have “changed my words” sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

    When it came time for me to write something personal, based on my own experiences and initially for my own pleasure, I
    relished the opportunity to write what I wanted, how I wanted and when I wanted.

    It was only after I considered publishing the book that I nervously harkened back to Mr. Rosen’s advice.
    But, I took the plunge and explored the traditional publishing route, getting feedback from multiple literary agents. One suggested that I rewrite the book into a typical format with just a few emails here and there. But, I wanted to stay true to my vision. Another agent explained the current economic state of the publishing industry to me. Due to the large investment to edit, produce, distribute and market a work by an unknown author, many large publishers won’t take the risk. She recommended self publishing as a way to get my work out there and allow me to control the process.

    And, so, I decided to self publish Click: An Online Love Story. And honestly, I couldn’t be happier. For better or worse, this is the story I wanted to tell, the way I wanted to tell it. Thankfully, readers and reviewers seem to be enjoying it.

    And so, thanks to the popularity and ease of self publishing, I say to all of the aspiring writers out there, “Go ahead
    and fall in love with your words.”

    Click by Lisa Becker is here available on Amazon.

    Click - Lisa Becker - Cover












    Lisa Becker
    7/4/2012 03:53:13 am

    Thanks for taking the time to support me and my debut novel. I hope your followers find it to be a fun and breezy read. Feel free to follow news about the sequel, Double Click, at the Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Click-An-Online-Love-Story/187909591250641