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    Let’s get festive – an advent calendar full of gorgeous Christmas reads


    Every year author Elizabeth Ellen Carter collates this gorgeous Christmas Advent calendar and I’m exited to be part of it once again.

    Want to discover a new Christmas book every day this month…then this Christmas calendar is for you? Twenty four fabulous festive reads.  You can’t click until the day rolls over in your timezone…look out for some books by me, my lovelies.

    Don’t forget that I have lots of fun and excitement happening on my Facebook page in December so pop on over there regularly this month and join in the reindeer games with me.
  • Blog

    An advent calendar for lovers of romance novels – a new discovery every day in December


    It might just be me, but I happen to think this is a super cool thing for Christmas – an interactive advent calendar where every day there’s a new giveaway. Your kids can have a chocolate a day but you get to enter to win prizes and books

    Every day between December 1 and 24 (in your local time zone), the numbered door will open with a message and a gift.
    If you’ve come to the calendar part way through the month, fear not! It just means you get to open lots of doors all at once.
    This amazing calendar was set up by Elizabeth Ellen Carter and I’m thrilled to be included.

    The Elizabeth Ellen Carter and Friends Advent Calendar…open a door today!

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