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    Guest post by Kerri Williams – DIY covers and Contracted designers.


    Do you ever judge a book by its cover?

    Well, I’ll confess that in the times of e-books, I am definitely guilty of that. There are literally thousands of books out there on Amazon alone and it’s so easy to flick down the screen and pick a book by the cover that stands out and grabs your attention.

    Whether you are designing it yourself or having a designer do it for you, you still want to be able to have an idea of what you want and what the reader will buy.

    For many this may be a half-naked man, (yes please) for some it may be a child holding a scraggly toy rabbit or maybe it’s artistic and animated. Every ones tastes are different, but I do think that before you go out there and design your cover you should do some research first and make sure it is applicable to the genre your write.

    It’s no good to have a cute young couple holding hands on the front of a book like a YA novel which is actually about a farmer in his thirties who finds a three boobed alien in his corn field. No, your readers will definitely be disappointed, if not, a little freaked out. But once you have that down, it’s much easier to shop for your pictures. Yes I said‘shop’ for your
    pictures because you can’t just go google image surfing and use whatever you like.

    Now, I used a fantastic company called Okay Creations. I already had an idea of what I wanted my cover to portray and any good designer will have questions so he or she will get this just right for you (hopefully the first time round.) This part is important because you don’t want to be wasting your time and definitely not theirs because they have a life too and some may even charge you extra to meet your indecisive needs and when you’re an Indie author, you really don’t want to be forking money out needlessly.

    If you are doing it yourself and have Photoshop on your computer and actually know how to use it, you may be able to design your own cover. Sadly, I’m not one of those lucky or intelligent bastards.

    There are many sites out there like photobucket and other such copyright free photo sites you can use and they aren’t too badly priced either. Some are actually free. I bought three photos for my covers in The Moore Justice Trilogy; all are the same model in different looks so I could grab the appearance of her maturing as the series went along. All three cost me $60.

    You can download awesome fonts for free, but make sure they are from a legal site and can be embedded into your host site (amazon, etc) you can check this by trying to save your file as a pdf. If it doesn’t save, it won’t work. Sometimes, it still won’t work. It all depends on how much you want a fancy font in your book.

    But don’t be thinking that’s all there is to it. You have to get the measurement and pixels right for it to load correctly on Kindle, B&N, Smashwords etc. And then there is the full jacket cover. You need to know your page count once it’s
    loaded on to your host site to make sure you get the cover size right. There are many variables, so research your ass off so you aren’t stuck mid-load having an anxiety attack and reaching for a brown paper bag before you pass out.

    Okay, so I may have scared the pants off you and you have decided you are going to pay a professional, please don’t feel that way because I know when you use CreateSpace, they have cover templates and instructions so you can get through it without a sick bag.

    But for those who do choose to use a professional like I did, make sure you can afford it. Make sure you can make your money back or what’s the point. There are many and I mean many sites out there that offer the service, but some are quite expensive. I, myself wouldn’t go there. This is another research necessity. Ask around, don’t be afraid of forums. You don’t need to comment, just read.

    There is also another option which is cheap and EASY! (I have your attention now, right) Pre-made covers. My cover for NEVER GOODBYE was actually a pre-made cover. CHEAP!!! I saw it one day on facebook and I was writing the novel and knew right then and there it was perfect. I was actually freaking out that I’d miss out on purchasing it.

    I have a good friend who had used this method for two of her novels and they are fantastic and…CHEAP! Did I say that

    So there are a few options for you, but please remember cheaper isn’t always better. Remember you want your reader’s

    I used Okay Creations for HUNGER FOR JUSTICE, HEART FOR JUSTICE & BLOOD FOR JUSTICE. (The Moore Justice Trilogy)

    I used Once Upon A Time for NEVER GOODBYE and my blog banner and author facebook banner is from Boo Savage
    who also does fantastic covers.

    So there is no reason for a drab cover peeps. Go for it; don’t be afraid to ask questions and importantly, do your

    I hope that helps some and if you have any questions I promise I’ll try to help. If they have anything to do with Photoshop, which I own and have tried many times to play with and epically failed, then rack off and go find some other fool to help you. LOL. Although, I am getting better 😉

    Here is where you can find me, stalk me, love me. You get the picture:

    Twitter, Blog/web

    Hunger For Justice- the first novel in The Moore Justice Trilogy


    Hunger for Justice - Kerri Williams - CoverAvailable now!

    Heart for Justice - Kerri Williams - Cover
    Heart for Justice will be out 22nd December 2012



    kerri williams
    12/5/2012 03:26:03 pm

    thanks for having me, Mon.
    Sorry I’m late to the blog everyone, I was stuck at the dreaded day job.

    12/5/2012 06:04:14 pm

    Great post Kerri. Thanks for the advice – I’m looking into this for next year so this will be very useful.

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    Author Q & A with Kerri Williams


    Kerri Williams1. What was the inspiration for your current novel?
    I love a kick-ass female character in books and movies for example; Starbucks from the show Battlestar Galactica or Georgina Kincaid from the book series Succubus, only I thought why not have a younger kick-ass character with genuine flaws and before I knew it I was on the journey of my first YA series.

    2. When did you take up writing?
    I’ve been dreaming of it since about sixteen and took it up seriously I think in
    about 2006 when I joined RWA, who I might add-ROCK!

    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
    I’m a visual person and so I use what I know, lived, stayed at mostly. I want my readers to be able to feel the town/place and not just read the words.

    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    I’m writing the third book at the moment and I’d have to say the twin brothers crack the hell out of me, but there will always be that special place for Claire.

    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    NEVER GIVE UP! I didn’t.

    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    What is that? Lol. When I can, when I feel like it and when I’m silly enough to sign up for the challenges. 4 kids, 1 hubby who could go under the category of a kid, 3 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 1 cat, 1 day job, an addiction to reading and tv series
    and then life in general and let’s not forget coffee with friends and social media are all fought with by the inner urge to write.

    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
    I’m a plotter wanna-be. I plot to a degree, like an outline and then type like crazy and before I know it I have totally taken a different turn to the plot line I mapped out and need a new one. Lol. (please tell me I’m not alone on this)

    8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books?
    Operation Summer Storm by Karlene Blakemore-Mowle
    Succubus series by Richelle Mead ·
    Slammed series by Colleen Hoover
    Sara Linton series by Karin Slaughter

    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    I won’t give you the title yet but it is a YA series of a young woman with an unrelenting hunger for justice to find the murderer of her father. That’s all I’m sharing at the moment. GRIN!

    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    Write a beautiful mess and then clean it up when you have finished it. If you keep
    editing as you go you will never finish it.

    For more information about Kerri and her writing visit:

    Eternal Press

    Nudging Cupid - Taking Back His Widow - Kerri Williams - Covers
    Experience the tremors of fear, life changing adventure & irrevocable love…one book at a time.




    7/5/2012 02:00:09 pm

    I love Kerri Williams!!! What a great interview 🙂

    7/5/2012 02:06:26 pm

    Kerri’s the bomb! Great interview…..you shoulda grilled her harder for the title tho! ;^D

    7/5/2012 08:39:07 pm

    I LOVE Kerri! Both her books have been amazing! Can’t wait for more!

    Willa Blair
    7/9/2012 01:15:14 am

    Great advice – write a beautiful mess and clean it up later. I love that. I’m a reformed pantser – the first book took forever that way. I plotted and outlined and wrote the synopsis for the second book. It has gone much faster. There are areas where the h/h have taken the story into an area I didn’t anticipate, but if it works, I just add it into the outline and keep going.