11/30/2012 0 Comments

I’m feeling very lucky this weekend because I have a couple of lovely writerly events on.
That doesn’t happen that often really and certainly in the midst of this scorching Sydney heat-wave and the madness that is December it’s a lovely treat.
This morning I had the great pleasure of meeting up with Edwina Shaw, author of Thrill Seekers and Favel Parrett, author of Past the Shallows. They were both up for awards at last night’s NSW Premier’s Literary Awards. Sadly neither of them took home the gong but what an honour to be nominated!
I met both women when I did the QWC/Hachette Manuscript Development Program a few years back. Favel is now published with Hachette. Although I’m not, I really recommend any Australian writers out there to apply for the program because it really is an excellent opportunity…I was lucky I also got lots of lovely friends out of it.
It was lovely to catch-up with both Edwina and Favel and hear about their next projects and what they’re working on. (We did also cover other important topics such as being pale and redheaded, high heels at formal functions and what clothing writers wear (or not) when writing, finding an agent and what happens at a pitch.)
Tomorrow I get to back this up with the lovely Pam Cook’s bok launch for Blackwattle Lake which she is holding at the NSW Writer’s Centre. It will be a great opportunity to celebrate her publication – also as a result of the QWC/Hachette Development Program.
For me it will also be a wonderful chance to see members of my writing group The Writers’ Dozen, who no longer attend with regularity as well as those gorgeous regulars who have kept me writing and kept me motivated on my own writing journey.