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    Finding your writing tribe online or the value of Facebook Groups for Writers


    Where is my tribe?
    Laptop and Coffee CupSocial media is an interesting thing – some people love it, some people hate it. I get both points of view but at least for now it isn’t going away.

    I’m on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. I find each of these has a place.

    I’m not entirely sure I’m using Twitter properly and I’m quite certain I’m not making the most of the other three. It’s a little bit like I’m standing in the library and I know the perfect book is inside but no one has taught me how the books are catalogued so I’m wandering around a lot scratching my head. I do find what I need usually but I’m sure there’s more that I could utilize if I only knew how.

    Facebook however I feel like I get. you all know I have a Facebook author page but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today.

    Today I’m talking about Facebook Groups and how great they are for writers. There are two sorts of Facebook groups that authors can utilize groups the first is where other writers (and sometimes readers) of your genre or with similar interest gather to support each other and share information. The second are groups where authors can promote their books to readers.

    Let’s talk about the first and what invaluable resources they are. I’m a member of several groups and the sorts of information and support available varies. What you need will determine what groups are good for you.

    For instance I started the #1000wordsaday Facebook group. We have just shy of 250 members whose aim is to write #1000wordsaday. Pretty simple. We start a daily thread and share our numbers and cheer each other on. Writing can be lonely having people who “get you” makes it less so. That’s all that group does. And that’s enough.

    I’m a member of several other groups for romance authors, indie authors, chicklit authors, #NaNoWriMo and they provide a variety of opportunities and information depending on the group but here are some examples:

    – People will help you pick your next book cover
    – Recommend promotional opportunities
    – Put together a short story collection or box set
    – Help you write your blurb
    – Cross-promote your book
    – Run an online party
    – BETA read your books
    – Help you if you’re having issues with uploading a book
    – Marketing advice

    You get the idea right? Depending on the group, where you are on your journey and what you need to know you can find people to help you. That’s pretty cool.

    A note of caution – not all groups are created equally and some of the people in some groups can be negative at best and nasty at worst. I don’t stay in those groups. I do not engage. So there can be some trial and error but I’ve met lovely supportive writers from all over the globe this way and the advice I’ve received is priceless.

    The second lot of groups are pretty much groups where readers go to find new release, free and discount books. Again these are not all created equally and some are populated almost entirely with other authors and some are populated with people who like to share porn so choose wisely. They really can help you sell books if you know which ones to choose.