1. What was the inspiration for your novel?
My inspiration is all the other writers out there that have showed me that I can do it, I can do something that makes me happy.
2. When did you take up writing?
I have been writing since I was younger, mainly short stories and just a little here and there but recently decided I would try and write a book, and I did! It’s very addicting because I’m working on book #2 and already have a plot ready for another book after I finish this series.
3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
I do all my writing at home, usually sitting in my favourite chair, sneaking glances at my 2 year old daughter playing and giggling. I have tried to write outside home, and it’s not as good as when I’m home. My creative juices just really flow at home.
4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
Oh man, well of course Stefan and Jennifer are my
favourite, because their the main characters. Honestly though, Kennedy, Jenn’s best friend, is my favourite. She just
has that “I don’t care” attitude and has been beside Jennifer through
everything, she really teaches you how to be a best friend, and she’s super witty and funny.
5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
To remember I am doing this for me, not anyone else. Ever since I have completed this book I have been so nervous when I actually release it that people will hate it but I have to remember that Awakened will not be for everyone, but at
the end of the day I am doing this for me.
6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
With a 2 year old, there is never time for writing! Usually I can only really write after she goes to bed because while she is awake I am constantly running around the house after her or playing with toys or getting bears shoved in my face haha. I also work full time so I get most of my writing done on the weekends when my husband is home and can help out.
7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
Oh I totally wing it. I cannot plot and then write, I feel like I am working on an assignment for school rather than doing something in my free time.
8. Can you name three or four of your current favourite books?
This might be the hardest question asked, Avoiding Commitment by K.A. Linde is such a roller-coaster book but the author is just absolutely an amazing, gifted author and helped me out a little bit at the start of this. Slammed& Point of
Retreat by Colleen Hoover left me emotionally drained afterwards, those were wonderful books. beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, of course I have to include my fellow Okie and I’m still searching for Travis. Last but not least, Easy by Tammara Webber, uh need I say more??
9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
Right now I am working on editing Awakened and currently writing Book #2 to Awakened. Editing is proving to be the hardest step out of all this so when I need to take a break, I work on Book #2.
10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy. Don’t worry about all the critics out there or people who try to put you down, everything will always fall into place.
You can find C.N Watkins at