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    Writers on Wednesday – 5 time management tips for authors


    Writers on Wednesday - Rose
    I haven’t done a Writers on Wednesday Post in a while, at least not one written by me, but I’ve been thinking a lot about how people spend their time and why some people are super productive and some people aren’t. I don’t think productivity necessarily equals success but I do think it is a lot easier to be successful if your are productive.

    Lots of people ask me how I manage to get so many things done. I work basically full-time, have a family, I have a fairly active author profile on social media, I’ve just written my 20th book and I do have a social life and I read.

    I’ve thought about this a lot. Here are some of my thoughts and tips on time management. (I’m a big believer in the 80-20 rule but you don’t need me to tell you about that.

    5 Time Management Tips

    1. Perfection is the enemy of good
    I’m not a perfectionist. I’m sure many people think this is a great failing of mine and I’m not sure they’re entirely wrong but I do think you need to get out of your own way. A first draft doesn’t need to be perfect, you’re going to go back and redraft it again and again anyway. Spending an hour finding the perfect image for a social media post is a waste of time…if it’s a Christmas post, choose a festive image and get it done. Not sending out a newsletter because you don’t have the perfect graphic is also crazy. You will get better the more you do things. Some times you will have to compromise but getting it done is more important. I’m not saying be sloppy and I’m not saying put crap out into the universe, I’m just saying don’t let perfectionism stop you from making progress. Keep in mind so much of what we do is subjective anyway, not everyone will agree that thing you spet hours perfecting is amazing anyway.

    2. Set goals and stick to them
    It doesn’t matter what your goals are you need them. It might be you want to write one book in a year. If you wrote 500 words a day you’d have around of 130,000 words. It will probably take you 30-45 minutes a day (you’ll get faster). That’s a book done and edited.

    Write 500 a day and then edit 500 a day and you have one book i half an hour a day. You can do that.
    You can post on social media 3 times a week. (Half an hour total).
    You can spend one hour a week on marketing your books. (Less than 10 minutes a day.)

    I think you need to write goals where you can see them. A whiteboard, a sticky note on a mirror, the back of your front door, on your car’s sun visor. You need the visual reminder.

    3. Life happens in small chunks of time – use them.
    I wrote a post a while back about how to make a difference if you only have 5 minutes. I think this is where we lose a lot of our time in the 21st century. We say we have no time for our author social media and yet we spend hours on platforms doing idle stuff.

    I’m a big believer in using small blocks of time. If I had waited for a big chunk or time I’d never have done anything. I wrote my first book, and many since using 30 minute chunks or as long as a children’s TV show lasted. Maybe you believe you need a whole hour to write anything. That belief is a big part of your problem. There’s a way around that. If you have a 15 minute break in the day (in the car waiting for the kids, your lunch break at work, waiting at an appointment) make some notes on the next scene or chapter in your book and then when you finally get half an hour use that as your jumping off point.

    Some people would call this plotting. Lots of people hate that word and many of the people who hate that word also struggle with deadlines, procrastination and time management. Don’t call this process plotting – I call it pre-thinking. I pre-think about what I want to write so that when I go to write I know exactly what I want to say.

    4. Be honest with yourself.
    If you have time to watch every episode or the Bachelor, This Is Us, Survivor and the Great British Bake-Off you have time to write. If you spend an hour a day on Facebook, you have time to write. Look at how you really spend your time and cut something out. I’m not saying everything, just something.

    If you don’t make writing a priority it won’t happen. I’ve done NaNoWriMo several times now. I love this as an exercise in showing you where you waste time. It’s taught me excellent time management skills just by discovering where my free time really lies and where my procrastination takes place.

    Be honest about who you are and what works for you – life is not one size fits all. I am not a morning person. I do not write well at six in the morning. I know that. I’m not going to lie to myself and pretend otherwise. I’m better off getting an extra hour’s sleep and writing at eleven in the morning or six at night. I don’t feel bad about that any more.

    Here’s another thing to consider – maybe you like the idea of writing but you don’t really want to write. Writing is hard, it takes commitment and it’s not for everyone. Some people have one or two books in them and that’s it. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    I know lots of people who spend more time reading writing books, attending talks and classes and conferences than they ever do writing. That’s absolutely fine. They love the world of writing and the wonderful people in it and the idea of being an author. I love all those things too, but maybe they don’t love the process and practice of writing as much. Just be honest with yourself if that’s you. Let yourself off the hook and have fun. Don’t spend your whole life guilty about not getting any writing done.

    5. Be adaptable. Learn to pivot.

    Life is messy. Plans change. People get sick. Books are published and don’t sell. Deadlines are missed. You need to learn to let the time between the change and the time you adapt be as small as possible.

    If your day hits a bump at 10am and you planned to write then rather than think “I guess I can’t achieve anything today” try and think “How can I claw back some of that time and still get something done.” It might not be the same something but something. Maybe you can book some promo, maybe you can schedule some social media, maybe you can put on the washing and fill out the school notes you were planning to do tomorrow so you have extra time tomorrow.

    Alter your plan, be adaptable but don’t change your goal…just change how you reach it.

    This list is not exhaustive. I haven’t discussed any tools I use to help me manage my time. Time is just a construct so how we approach it and how we treat it is just as important as what we actually do with it. These tips are really all about respecting time and be honest with yourself about how you really want to use it. For me, that’s the biggest challenge.

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    Q&A with author Isabella Louise Anderson


    Cards From Khloe's Flower Shop Blog Tour Banner
    1. What was the inspiration for your novel?
    Deciding to participate in NaNoWriMo again, I just knew I had to start writing, and as a panster, there was no direction in mind. Having my USWeekly Magazine next to me, that had Khole Kardashian-Odom and Lamar on the cover (I loved them together), was great inspiration. With the desire to have always wanted to own a flower shop, I combined the two.
    2. When did you take up writing?
    I’ve always loved to write. As a young girl, I would create scenes using characters from soap operas, (I love “The Young & the Restless” and “The Bold and the Beautiful”).
    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
    Each book is different, but I try to bring scenery and atmosphere into my books.
    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    While I love all my characters, Connie Albright is my favorite! I know some might not like her, but with all her negativity, she has a heart, and desires love more than anything. (I might even write a novella to check-in on her, so stay tuned!)
    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    Try the Pomodoro Technique! I swear, after I tried this it’s changed my life as an author.
    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    No, and I’m not an early riser, so I see that I write best when it’s between 3:00-5:00.
    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
    Both! It just depends on which current WIP I’m working on.
    8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books?
    “Defining Her” by Samantha March, “Peri in Progress” by Cat Lavoie, and “Dangled Carat” by Hilary Grossman.
    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    Yes! The novella I’m working on it about a woman who is an assistant to a celebrity who is in need of a stand-in date for her appearances. What the actress doesn’t know is the assistant hires the man who tortured her in high school. What will happen when everything is exposed, including that the man didn’t mean to torture her, that it was his way of liking her?
    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    ​Use the Pomodoro Technique! Try to complete five to six sessions, and you will see how much this works!

    About Cards from Khloe’s Flower Shop
    Cards From Khloe's Flower Shop - Cover
    As the owner of a successful florist shop, Khloe Harper trusts her instincts. She has a strong bond with her family and friends, but after being betrayed by her last love, she’s kept herself at arms’ length from romance. When dashing entertainment attorney Derek Thomas walks into her store, Khloe’s interest is piqued. What at first seems like a business relationship quickly turns into romance, and Derek slowly plucks away the petals she’s been hiding behind. Just as Khloe lets down her guard, she discovers that Derek may not be worthy of her love after all.
    Frumpy Connie Albright has a faux fascination with an imaginary man named Walt, thinking that by sending herself flowers from him she’ll feel less out-of-place with the “mean girls” she works with. When she comes face to face with her possible prince charming and thinking she might have a happy ending, when a truth is revealed, she wonders if she’ll ever have a Cinderella story.
    A recently widowed senior, Gabby Lewis, isn’t ready to give up on love—which means releasing herself from survivor’s guilt and taking a chance on finding happiness and companionship again. After signing up for an online dating site for senior citizens, much to her surprise, she’s matched with Harry, an energetic and loving man, who quickly eases himself into her heart. Will Gabby take the leap of falling in love again, knowing it’s possible to have two loves of her life?
    As each woman’s story develops through flowers and cards sent from Khloe’s shop during the Fall months, they begin to learn that love can only truly blossom when you trust your heart.

    Where to Find Cards from Khloe’s Flower Shop
    Universal Link

    Meet Isabella Louise Anderson
    Isabella Louise AndersonIsabella grew up with a book in her hand, and to this day nothing has changed. She focuses her time on featuring other writers on her blog, Chick Lit Goddess, along with organizing Goddess Book Tours, and is a member of the Romance Writers of America.
    She lives in Dallas with her husband, enjoys spicy Mexican food, margaritas, gin on the rocks (with a splash of lime). She loves spending time with family and friends and cheering on the Texas Rangers. Not only is Isabella an author, she’s also a Scentsy consultant and hoarder.
    Isabella is the author of The Right Design and Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop. Her short story, “Meet Me Under the Mistletoe,” was featured in Simon & Fig’s Christmas anthology, Merry & Bright. She’s currently working on another book.


    Where to Find Isabella Louise Anderson
    ​Website: http://www.isabellalouiseanderson.com
    Chick Lit Goddess: https://chicklitgoddess.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IsabellaLouiseAnderson/
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7382151.Isabella_Louise_Anderson
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ila121209/
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/chicklitgoddess/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ILA121209
    Amazon Author: https://www.amazon.com/Isabella-Louise-Anderson/e/B00IWCNQFO/

    Cards From Khloe's Flower Shop 99c Promo
    Enter the Giveaway

    1 Comment
    Isabella Louise Anderson
    10/23/2017 09:20:40 am

    Thank you for having me today, Monique!

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    Finding your writing tribe online or the value of Facebook Groups for Writers


    Where is my tribe?
    Laptop and Coffee CupSocial media is an interesting thing – some people love it, some people hate it. I get both points of view but at least for now it isn’t going away.

    I’m on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. I find each of these has a place.

    I’m not entirely sure I’m using Twitter properly and I’m quite certain I’m not making the most of the other three. It’s a little bit like I’m standing in the library and I know the perfect book is inside but no one has taught me how the books are catalogued so I’m wandering around a lot scratching my head. I do find what I need usually but I’m sure there’s more that I could utilize if I only knew how.

    Facebook however I feel like I get. you all know I have a Facebook author page but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today.

    Today I’m talking about Facebook Groups and how great they are for writers. There are two sorts of Facebook groups that authors can utilize groups the first is where other writers (and sometimes readers) of your genre or with similar interest gather to support each other and share information. The second are groups where authors can promote their books to readers.

    Let’s talk about the first and what invaluable resources they are. I’m a member of several groups and the sorts of information and support available varies. What you need will determine what groups are good for you.

    For instance I started the #1000wordsaday Facebook group. We have just shy of 250 members whose aim is to write #1000wordsaday. Pretty simple. We start a daily thread and share our numbers and cheer each other on. Writing can be lonely having people who “get you” makes it less so. That’s all that group does. And that’s enough.

    I’m a member of several other groups for romance authors, indie authors, chicklit authors, #NaNoWriMo and they provide a variety of opportunities and information depending on the group but here are some examples:

    – People will help you pick your next book cover
    – Recommend promotional opportunities
    – Put together a short story collection or box set
    – Help you write your blurb
    – Cross-promote your book
    – Run an online party
    – BETA read your books
    – Help you if you’re having issues with uploading a book
    – Marketing advice

    You get the idea right? Depending on the group, where you are on your journey and what you need to know you can find people to help you. That’s pretty cool.

    A note of caution – not all groups are created equally and some of the people in some groups can be negative at best and nasty at worst. I don’t stay in those groups. I do not engage. So there can be some trial and error but I’ve met lovely supportive writers from all over the globe this way and the advice I’ve received is priceless.

    The second lot of groups are pretty much groups where readers go to find new release, free and discount books. Again these are not all created equally and some are populated almost entirely with other authors and some are populated with people who like to share porn so choose wisely. They really can help you sell books if you know which ones to choose.

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    Time flies and you can’t get it back…


    NaNoWriMo 2015 Participant BadgeSo, wow, I just thought – I must do a blog post and honestly I had no idea it had been so long. Short of when I take a vacation this may have been my greatest blogging dry spell since I began.

    For those couple of readers who wait with baited breath (What does that even mean – breath that smells like bait – ah no thanks, have a Tic Tac) I apologise.

    I guess I got busy doing #NaNoWriMo which I did win/complete and then I just got distracted. Sometimes I feel blindingly efficient and then I look around and I think I’m the least competent human on the planet. I’m sure the truth lies firmly in the middle.

    And sometimes life doesn’t go to plan – like the computer just ate half this blog post for a start…that really doesn’t help.

    Anyway, we’re all just doing the best we can. So my November release will now come out in December and that bumps everything back a month but at the pace life moves it seems more important to be present for people than meet an arbitrary deadline because you never know.

    I’ve spoken to several people who have lost people they loved this December and I think that gives you perspective – people need out time and our attention while we can give it to them…if a deadline is bumped or a blog post or two skipped….that’s probably just fine.

    Any Way You Want It - Upper Crust Series - Monique McDonell - Original Cover

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    Q&A with Isabella Louise Anderson author of The Right Design


    Isabella Louise AndersonWhat was the inspiration for your novel? I was inspired to write “The Right Design” when I participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), for the first time. I had no outline or idea about what the book would be about, but when I started typing, I didn’t stop because I really wanted to write a book in thirty days. While it was a little scary, on day thirty, I was proud that I could say that I’d written a book in a month!

    When did you take up writing? I’ve been writing ever since I can remember, but didn’t start taking it seriously until I signed up for an online writing course at Gotham Writers’ Workshop, in 2010. Since then, I haven’t looked back.

    How important is setting/place in your writing? For some books, I think it’s very important (like in the Sci-Fi genre), but for my books (definitely not Sci-Fi), location isn’t as important as the timing of the events that take place.

    Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel? In my upcoming release, “Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop,” I would have to say Connie Albright. She meant to resemble the character, Amy, from The Big Bang Theory. She’s frumpy, odd, but is so lovable, and while she sends herself bouquets—oh, did I mention she’s a hopeless romantic—her character really comes to life when her dream man comes into her life. Connie’s character was so much fun to write, and I hope my readers really like her as much as I do.

    What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given? “Just write the first draft.” Once I heard that, it really hit home, and that was my goal. I wasn’t focused on time, I was just focused on getting it completed. That particular book is currently in my slush pile, but maybe I’ll pick it up someday…who knows?!

    Do you have a schedule for writing? I wish I did, but I don’t. However, when I’m on a deadline (ones that I give myself), I use the Pomodoro Technique. It’s amazing how productive I can be, and usually try to give myself six to eight sessions a day.

    Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it? Both! I was a panster with “The Right Design,” but for “Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop,” I was a planner. I have a feeling that for each book I write, my system will be different, and I’m okay with that.

    Can you name three of your favourite books? 1. “Wideacre” by Philippa Gregory (thanks, Mom, for encouraging me to read Historical Fiction), 2. “Blogger Girl” by Meredith Schorr, 3. “Always Something There to Remind Me” by Beth Harbison.

    Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now? I’m currently editing “Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop,” working on notes for my third book, and when I’m needing a break, I work on my Scentsy business (wickless candles and more)!

    What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on

    their journey? Participate in NaNoWriMo! Seriously, by doing this, it change my life. Not only did I learn about my writing skills, I learned about dedication, determination, and that I wanted to be an author more than anything else. If you don’t complete it in thirty days, don’t stop—just keep on until you have that first draft. Then, the following November, give it another shot, and this time, I bet you won’t be disappointed.

    Excerpt from The Right Design
    The Right Design - Cover
    After a long pause, Carrie finally spoke. “Fine. Yes, I’m seeing someone.” And when she said those words, she smiled because sticking it to him felt good. Damn good!

    Roger stood up, walked toward her and kneeled down in front of her.

    Carrie held her hand up to stop him, closed her eyes and took a breath.

    “Does he know you like I do? Does he know how you like your eggs in the morning? Does he know how you have to sleep with socks on every night? Does he know you read magazines from the back to the front?”

    She turned her head so she wouldn’t have to face him. “Roger, please leave.” Carrie couldn’t take it anymore.

    Roger reached for her, grasping her arms and bringing her attention back to him.

    “Get the hell out of here. Now!” Anger shot through Carrie as she raised her voice.

    “Does he know how you like to be kissed?” Roger stared at Carrie as he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

    While his hand had once been a source of soothing touch for her, it now stung. “Leave! We’re over! Get the hell out of here,” she yelled, pointing to the exit.

    Suddenly, Roger grabbed her shoulders and pulled her tightly to him, catching her by surprise.

    “I can’t do this,” she said trying to wriggle out of his arms, but his grip didn’t loosen. When they made eye contact again, she began to speak, but before she knew it, Carrie felt Roger’s lips on hers. For a moment, Roger had her paralyzed, as their lips reacquainted with one another. Kissing him felt familiar and for a half a second, it was as if nothing had changed between them. Seconds later, when she heard her door open, she immediately pushed Roger away, this time with more force, and saw Brad staring wide-eyed at the two of them. “Brad!” She ran toward him, but he held his hands up to stop her.

    “Don’t bother,” he snapped and stormed out of her office.

    Carrie quickly brushed past Roger and followed Brad down the hall calling his name, but he didn’t respond, and his pace quickened. “Brad, will you please just listen to me?” Carrie begged again as they quickly walked past Elaine’s desk and out the door. “Please let me explain.” When they made it outside to Brad’s car, he finally stopped and faced her. She tried to reach out to him, but he pulled away.

    “What do you want, Carrie?”

    Her eyes burned as tears ran down her face. She didn’t know where to start or what to say while memories of the last two days ran through her mind. “I’m so very sorry,” she said, wiping her tears away. “I didn’t know he was coming here.”

    “He who? Who is he?” His voice was filled with dismay and spite.

    “He’s my ex,” Carrie quietly confessed.

    He gave a sarcastic laugh. “Of course he is.”

    “We were together for six years, he cheated on me, and then I moved here to get away from him and start over. That’s when I met you.” She hoped that giving him the short version would satisfy him for now. Carrie just wanted things to get back to the way they were before Roger came to Florida.

    “Why didn’t you tell me?”

    Of all the many conversations, exes weren’t discussed on either of their parts. “He never came up in conversation. We never talked about our exes.”

    “Fine, but how can you not mention someone you were with for that long? That’s kind of a big deal, don’t you think?”

    “You and I have only known each other for a few weeks. Besides, at least I don’t zip in and out of women like you do,” she said. “Nor do I have flings with my assistant.”

    “Danielle and I were together for only a short time, and that was years ago.”

    “Well, geez, I’m sorry I didn’t follow proper Palm Beach etiquette and give you a history of my previous romances,” she fought back, but then realized that she was practically yelling. After taking a breath, she said, “I didn’t mean that, Brad. I’m sorry. I just want us back together.”

    “You have a really funny way of showing that. Do you want to be with him?”

    She shook her head. “No. I want you.”

    He pointed toward the entrance to Ocean Designs. “That’s not the way it looked in your office.”

    “I…” she began, but Carrie was at a loss for words. She buried her head in her hands. She’d been caught kissing her cheating ex and now was fighting to be with the man who she’d started to love. She looked up at Brad and began to cry harder.

    “I guess I have my answer,” Brad said as he unlocked his door. “Oh, and don’t worry about finishing the project. I’ll have England take over.”
    Blurb of “The Right Design”,

    Do business and pleasure mix?

    In the author’s debut novel comes a story about picking up the pieces, letting go of the past, and finding love along the way–even if morals are tested!

    Interior designer Carrie Newman could not have envisioned a more perfect life for herself. She had a great job doing what she loved, wonderful friends, and a close relationship with her sister and brother-in-law. Add in an amazing man who she’d hoped would soon become her husband, and her life was perfect. Until one devastating decision ruins her relationship and changes the course of her life.

    Determined to make a new start, Carrie leaves Texas and heads to Palm Beach to pick up the pieces of her shattered and broken life. The last thing she expects is to find herself attracted to her first client at her new job–Brad Larson, who has proven himself time and time again to be caddish.

    But there’s something beneath the surface of Brad’s arrogant exterior that keeps her craving more of him–something almost sweet that Carrie can’t seem to resist.

    Is Carrie ready to take another chance on romance? And will this new design of her life prove to be the right one?


    Purchase links – The Right Design is on sale for $0.99, until August 3rd 2015:

    Amazon US (Kindle): http://amzn.to/TUmZNX

    Amazon US (Paperback): 

    Amazon – Canada: http://amzn.to/1o8nxYw

    Amazon – UK: 

    Barnes & Noble (Paperback and Nook): http://bit.ly/1AfWkcm

    Author bio Isabella grew up with a book in her hand, and to this day nothing has changed. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and has been featured on several blogs. While Isabella doesn’t blog a lot, she focuses her time on featuring other writers, along with writing and editing. Isabella Louise Anderson created Chick Lit Goddess to share the love of the following genres: Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance, Romance, and Romantic Comedies! She loves featuring authors and their books. She lives in Dallas with her husband and cat. She enjoys spicy Mexican food and drinking margaritas, and can be found spending time with family and friends, cheering on the Texas Rangers, and reading. Isabella’s short story, Meet Me Under the Mistletoe, was featured in Simon & Fig’s Christmas anthology, Merry & Bright, in November 2013. The Right Design is her first novel.

    Isabella Louise Anderson’s links:

    Isabella Louise Anderson: http://bit.ly/1j5AyWF

    Author Facebook “Like” page: http://on.fb.me/1t6PAzC

    Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1rv8Ipm

    Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1n0XlCL

    Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ze5rgg

    Chick Lit Goddess Links:

    Website: http://bit.ly/1n0Yryk

    Chick Lit Goddess “Like” page: http://on.fb.me/1o8qxE8

    Twitter: http://bit.ly/1j5D0MT

  • Blog

    The Value of being accountable, blog tours and more


    The value of being accountable
    Any Way You Dream It Promo 2015
    This month I completed another 50,000 word challenge. This one was run under the auspices of the Romance Writers of Australia. I used the month to do a first draft of the 6th book in the Upper Crust Series.

    I finished a little ahead of schedule with story all written (obviously with holes to plug and rewriting to do).

    These sorts of challenges work well for me – not because I’m a super fast writer, not because I’m super organised but because I like being held accountable.

    I’m a pretty reliable human being (tediously so). I’m punctual, I don’t forget stuff, I never stand people up and I meet deadlines (pretty much all the time). I’m also a shocking procrastinator, SHOCKING! What I can postpone of put off astounds even me.

    I let myself down on a daily basis but I don’t let other people down. So if I tell you I’m going to sign up and do something with you, you can be reasonably certain I’ll do it. It could be that being a tragic people-pleaser comes in handy for something.

    For me being part of a group and meeting deadlines is easier than doing it alone. So CampNaNoWriMo, which happens again in July, NaNoWriMo and this 50k challenge are great motivators for me. Setting up the #1000wordsaday group on Facebook has also kept me writing this year. I feel I must show up and so I do.

    I know this doesn’t work for everyone. Some people find these things have the opposite affect on them. It’s a matter of finding what motivates you and what destroys your creativity. But if like me, you won’t quit in front of a crowd or let the team down (even if that’s metaphorical) you may find these challenges motivate you.

    In other news I am currently on a blog tour for my novel Any Way You Dream It.

    Stop by and see the reviews for the novel and you could also win an Amazon Gift Card for your trouble.
    29 – Sinfully Good Reads – Excerpt
    June 29 – Chick Lit Plus – Review
    June 30 – Caroline Fardig – Guest Post
    June 30 – Celia Kennedy – Review, Q&A & Excerpt
    July 1 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – Review, Guest Post & Excerpt
    July 1 – Polished and Bubbly – Review
    July 6 – Living Life With Joy – Review & Q&A

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    Crossed the 100,000 mark in my #1000wordaday challenge this #MusicalMonday


    100,500 / 365,000 words.
    I do love a challenge

    It is a strange thing because I’m basically not a very competitive person. I compete with myself but not with others.

    So if you want to beat me there’s every chance I’m going to let you. I hate team sports because the competition makes anxious. I don’t even like to watch team sports because I feel like the worst player on the team is beating themself up and feeling embarrassed.

    As the parent of a child who quite enjoys sports I have come to learn that the worst player on the team often believes themselves to be a star. I’ve watched children who can barely catch correct the play of other children on the netball court,

    In fact I would go so far as to say this has been one of my great failings in life. If you say “I’m better at this than you”, I will probably believe you. I will bow out of the race and let you have it. I have some wonderful examples I could share but on the off-chance I offend someone I shall refrain.

    However, if I set myself a challenge, I will usually embrace it.

    It’s why being self-employed works for me. It’s why I enjoy #NaNoWriMo and it’s why the #1000wordsaday challenge I started this year is a good one for me. I’m doing it with others but I’m running my own race.

    So today I did a little happy dance when I crossed that milestone.

    Meanwhile Book 2 in the UpperCrust series came back from the last reader before it goes to the editor this week. She suggested some changes which I’ll be making in the next few days. Which means a mid-May release!

    Book 3 is out with the BETA readers and I’m hoping to start the re-write on it next week.

    And as part of the #1000wordsaday challenge I’m working on Books 4 and 5. Lots to do.

    Monique McDonell Upper Crust Series Banner
    And finally for Musical Monday here is a song by Vance Joy with reminds me of Chloe and Tom on Book 5 (which has no name yet).

    In fact it is these lines that remind me of these two. “I could easily lose my mind, the way you kiss me will work each time”.

  • Blog

    Q&A with Laura Chapman author of the new release The Marrying Type


    Laura Chapman1. What was the inspiration for your novel?

    I knew I wanted to write a story about a couple who was reunited during a wedding years after they broke up. I wasn’t quite sure how to shape the story and tabled it until I read Jane Austen’s Persuasion. So many of the themes and elements were timeless, and I could see them playing out in today’s world. My story idea meshed with the classic novel, and the result was The Marrying Type, a contemporary reimagining of Persuasion (which is available from Marching Ink on Feb. 24).

    2. When did you take up writing?

    I have been writing my whole life, but I seriously considered writing a novel for the first time the summer after my freshman year of college. I scribbled a few thousand words, outlined the book, and created character sketches, but it never resulted in a finished project. It wasn’t until more than five years later, during National Novel Writing Month 2010, that I actually started what would become my first published novel, Hard Hats and Doormats.

    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?

    Though I don’t typically go into long, descriptive prose about the settings of my stories, I do spend a lot of time thinking about where a novel and its scenes are set. I’m better able to imagine the actions and words taking place if I can see the location in my mind. The setting can also shape aspects of my characters or the story.

    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?

    It’s so hard to pick a favorite, but in The Marrying Type I adore the main character’s best friend Smyth. He has a sassy attitude and style that make me wish I could travel the world with him if he truly existed. And of course I love Eric, the main character’s long, lost boyfriend. I’d probably be tongue-tied around him if we ever met in real life, though, because I have zero game when it comes to wooing men. Fortunately I seem to have a better grasp of it in my writing career.

    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?

    Write every day. I heard this from Stephanie Bond, who was a speaker at a conference I attended back in college. She said it was important to work on your story every day to keep it fresh in your mind, even if you only wrote 100 words. I don’t always accomplish this goal, but I have found that if I don’t spend at least a little bit of time with the book every day during the first draft, I easily fall off of the writing wagon.

    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?

    I wish. I’m one of those people who desperately wants to keep a schedule for everything from writing to exercising. Keep is the key word, because I do make schedules. I work a full-time job, so when I’m in the thick of a story, I get up at 5 a.m. every weekday morning and write for two hours before work. Then, I sit down at my computer again at 7 or 8 p.m. to write until bed a few nights a week. On the weekends, I start writing first thing in the morning and try to go until about lunchtime. Again, this is usually just during the first draft of my book. I’m not quite so disciplined when I don’t have the deadline from my editor or NaNoWriMo.

    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?

    I’m definitely a plotter. Every time I’ve tried to be a pantser, I always end up stopping one scene into the book and having to outline the rest of it. I keep my outlines loose. I sketch out the rest of the scenes, usually with one to five sentence explaining who, what, when, where, and why this scene is taking place. It helps me keep track of pacing. That said, my outlines are fluid and subject to change. Sometimes the direction of a scene, and the whole story, will change once I start writing.

    8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books?

    If I could only grab three or four books that I could take with me for the rest of my life at this moment, I’d grab my Jane Austen Anthology (it’s actually seven books, so what a deal?), Saving Grace by Julie Garwood, Something Wonderful by Judith McNaught, and These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. These have been my favorites for years, and they’re ones I regularly re-read.

    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?

    I’m finishing the second draft of my third novel, which has a name, though I’m not sharing it right now. It’s a contemporary chick lit novel set in my hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska. The local interests definitely flavored this story, but I won’t say quite how just yet. I’ve also set this one up to be the first in a series, which was fun, because my other two novels are standalone. I can’t say much else just yet.

    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?

    The most important thing is to keep writing. This isn’t always easy to do, because life is busy and there are a million distractions. It’s also easy to have your confidence shaken, but you have to keep believing in yourself and having faith that someone somewhere will connect with your story. I can’t remember where I first heard this, but whenever you feel like giving up, remember that you are the only person who can tell your characters’ stories. With you, no one else will ever have the chance to know them.

    Thank you so much for having me on your blog, today. It truly warms my heart to count so many supportive authors among my friends.

    The Marrying Type - Laura Chapman - Cover
    About the Book – The Marrying Type

    Always the wedding planner, never a bride, Elliot Lynch is famous for orchestrating the splashiest weddings in Charleston, South Carolina. When her father’s sloppy management practices leave them on the brink of bankruptcy, Elliot will do whatever it takes to save the family business. When asked to appear on “The Marrying Type,” a reality TV show about the people behind the scenes as couples exchange I dos, she says yes to the invasion of privacy (and the hefty paycheck that comes with it).

    With a camera crew capturing every detail of her life, Elliot faces her most challenging contract yet: planning a wedding where her ex is involved in every part of the process. Add in a lazy assistant, liquor-loving bridesmaid, and rival planner encroaching on her turf, and Elliot’s wedding season goes from high-end to high-stress.

    Forced to confront her past, Elliot must live out her troubled present on national TV if she has any hope of saving her future.


    Book Links


    Barnes & Noble


    Marching Ink

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24766966-the-marrying-type

    YouTube: http://youtu.be/VBGKaTOjo80

    About the Author

    Laura Chapman is the author of The Marrying Type, Hard Hats and Doormats and the Autumn and Tuck series, which appear in Merry & Bright and A Kind of Mad Courage. A native Nebraskan, she loves football, Netflix marathons, and her cats, Jane and Bingley. Until she fulfills her dream of landing a British husband or becoming a Disney princess, you can find her in a bar penning her next novel.

    Stay Connected

    Website: www.laurachapmanbooks.com

    Blog: www.change-the-word.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/laurachapmanbooks

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/lmchap

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lmchap

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/lmchap614

  • Blog

    Musical Monday – singing and dancing our way into 2015 #1000wordsaday


    Metallic Copper ShoesIt is my first Musical Monday post for the year. Sorry I have been so remiss. I figure my Australian readers were laying on a beach somewhere and my American and UK readers were busy riding (or I hope reading) out the winter.

    January 12 and I’m happy to report I’m at 13,000 words in my #1000wordsaday challenge. I’m pretty happy about that.

    One of the issues I have as a writer, and let’s face it a lot of writers have, is that was stall easily and we get blocked. It really is better to keep going, to just write a bit every day in order to push through the blocks and keep your head in the story. I have periods where I’m great at that but then I finish a project or publish a book or just plain lose momentum. I’m really hoping I can break that habit.

    The truth is I’ve spent some long, luxurious days out on magical Sydney Harbour taking in the sun, drinking wine and laughing with friends since January began. I love those days and normally I don’t write in January at all. I say to myself that I don’t need to, that I get the month off. The thing is I usually give myself December off too, in a post-NaNoWriMo celebration and because December kicks my butt anyway.

    That’s all very lovely but that’s 8 weeks lost. I’m simply trying to maintain the energy while enjoying summer. I have skipped days but I’ve made them back. Now I’m ahead. Ahead works for me psychologically better than behind. it works during NaNoWriMo and I suspect my momentum will pick up in the next couple of days if I can move further ahead. We’ll see.

    Meanwhile I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other. (Yes I do take most of my life lessons from stop motion animation, thanks for asking!).

    And because not everyone likes their music to come from their childhood. Here is a song that reminds me of the characters in the second book in my Upper Crust series which I’ve just completed. I love this song and the video, oh yeah and the messages – Love, success, persistance and standing tall.


    1/11/2015 02:30:46 pm

    Thank you very much for the music video share. I had heard this song, but had never taken the time to watch the video. The message is deeply impactful. I’d like to think that his time machine worked in the end, taking him back to his family’s fire where he could save them. If only we could all be so single-minded and focused in our passion. Indeed if only we could all know so thoroughly what our passions are! Good luck with your writing challenge!
    1/12/2015 07:22:03 am

    It is a really lovely video isn’t it, Katie? I too believe he gets the happy ending. He deserves it.

  • Blog

    #1000wordsaday in 2015 – or the New Year’s resolution post


    Electric Keyboard and Coffee CupYou know what the end of December is – that lovely time when we make New Year’s resolutions and then, in many cases, cross our fingers and hope they’ll stick.

    As a writer always goal-setting. I often fall short of the goals I set myself but by having the plan and the goals I get more hits than I do misses. Still, writing can be lonely and finding motivation is hard. I’m lucky that I have a lovely writer’s group here in Sydney and I am a member of some great online groups for chicklit authors as well.

    Still sometimes the motivation to focus on the writing slides.

    After doing #NaNoWriMo yet again in 2014 I looked at the lessons that I could learn from that and I decided that I really could find time to write 1,000 words a day. Not all of those words would be brilliant and many will get the chop later but I could put pen-to-paper or fingers-to-keyboard and write them.

    Thus, I decided to make that my writing resolution for 2015. 1,000 words a day or 365,000 words across the year (That sounds scary but 1,000 words a day doesn’t).

    Then this week I thought about what motivates me and I realised the group force of #NaNoWriMo was another of its strengths so I set up a Facebook group for writers who also want to write #1000wordsaday.

    Here it is if you would like to join:

    Or if you would like to follow my progress you can follow the hashtag #1000wordsaday on Twitter or sign up for my newsletter for regular updates.

    My next post will be looking back a 2014 and forward to the year ahead.


    Isabella Louise Anderson
    12/31/2014 07:57:13 am

    What a great idea, Monique! Good luck to you!
    1/1/2015 10:09:49 am

    Thanks Isabella. So far I’m off to a good start!