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    Competition – Me and My Pie – a chance to win an Amazon GC


    NaNoWriMo Participant 2014 BadgeIt’s Wednesday. Did you know that? Somehow I missed the start of the week and bam, here I am.

    One reason is I finished (won as they say) #NaNoWriMo on Monday. 24 days, 50,000 words no wonder some things slipped, like blogging. Oh well, we’re back on track now.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate. I do because even though I am Australian, i like the idea of sitting with family and being grateful. There’s not enough gratitude in the world. I’m certainly not thankful enough in my day to day life so any opportunity to be thankful I embrace. It’s a good reminder – and there is pie.

    This week two of my books are 99c. Any Way You Like it which features plenty of pies and Alphabet Dating which features two Thanksgivings.

    For details visit my Amazon Author Page

    And I’m running a competition this week. Take a photo of you and your Thanksgiving pie(s) and share here or on Facebook to go in the running to win a $20 Amazon GC. (I’ll do a random draw among the entrants).

    I’ll upload my own pie photos when I’ve made my pies.

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    Random writing facts on a Musical Monday

    Monique McDonell Paperbacks - Hearts Afire, Building Attraction, A Fair Exchange, Alphabet Dating, Mr Right and Other MongrelsToday I’ll just share with you some random facts about my writing life.

    * I write best between 10am-1pm and 4-7pm. This is good to know because if you’re organising your day to get a big word count, or solve an issue in your writing it’s so much better to work during your best times. Some people think they’re morning people (I do not think this about myself even a teeny tiny bit) but when they analyse their actual output they discover that the morning may not be their most productive time.

    * I really love the thrill of creating a new story. I like getting to know my characters and their friends. I like beginnings in life as well and even though I can be a tad wimpy I like new experiences. Starting a new story is like going on an adventure and I do like an adventure.

    * I’m reasonably disciplined with my self (I’ve worked alone for a lot of years now) but I can’t force creativity. I need to write a story about a chicken/a love triangle/ a murder will probably shut me down. For whatever reason I can’t just create a premise, some people can I guess.

    * I like a challenge. At the time of writing I’ve done 27,000 words of my NaNoWriMo in 10 days. I took 2 of those days off. That’s a pretty good effort. I’m not a competitive person (in fact competition makes me anxious, it is why I don’t enjoy sports) but I do compete with myself and so challenges like NaNoWriMo are good for me.

    * I’m doing a book stall at a local market night this week. I haven’t done one in two years and things like this scare the snot out of me. I feel self-conscious and embarrassed for some reason. Lots of authors are like that so be kind to them in these situations.

    * My first five books are all available in paperback now via Amazon…order a copy here .
    Musical Monday again and today I have chosen a fun classic – Who Wrote the Book of Love.

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    Overwhelmed and underachieving on Musical Monday


    Sleeping HippoIs it really Monday again? Did I really not put up a single blog post in a week? I guess that’s two yeses.

    I’m such a slacker! (That’s me in the picture!)

    Lately I’ve had that overwhelmed and underachieving feeling. I get it every now and then and I can’t quite shake it off. Sadly it doesn’t spur me on to do more it just kind of immobilises me.

    Little things and good intentions slip by unattended to, unfulfilled. Opportunities are squandered.

    It is very annoying.

    Maybe it is because the sun is finally out, after an insanely wet winter, but I feel like I started shaking that off again over the weekend. I made a few plans for myself. Plans that don’t require me to work in with others and that I can quietly look forward to.

    I’m a planner by nature, but I’m married to the man least likely to make a plan. His gravestone could read “Here he lies, he didn’t plan to die.”

    Don’t get me wrong I like to be spontaneous but I also like some structure. A girlfriend and I say we like “organised spontaneity”. I’m happy to go off on a whim but damned if I don’t want to take the bus schedule, some snacks, bandaid, some ibuprofen and a jacket just in case.

    Putting a few plans in place both for my work life, my writing and my home life help.

    Meanwhile I’m plugging away at Book 2 in the Upper Crust Series and deciding which book to write for NaNoWriMo in November. It will either be Book 3 in the series or the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels (if you have an opnion, do let me know).

    This song is very much the soundtrack in my mind at least for Book 2 in the series. So it’s today’s Musical Monday offering. And it really is a beautiful song.

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    Images of LA – or Mr Right and Other Mongrel sequel


    As many of my regular readers know I went to Los Angeles earlier this year to do a research trip for the sequel to
    Mr Right and Other Mongrels.

    I am thinking of writing the sequel for NaNoWriMo in November. If I do I’ll be drawing on these images to inspire me. when I travelled, although I have been to the US before, I tried to look through the eyes of the main character Allegra and see what she might see or be interested in. It was a fun way to travel.

    She would a stranger in a strange land and as normal as anyone’s home is to them, it’s always a little bit odd to the outsider, so often we notice the differences and not the similarities. cars on the opposite side of the road, different names for the same things and people’s accents all delight and fascinate us.

    Hotcakes Bacon and Eggs Breakfast


    Los Angeles Trolly Tour

    Central Perk

    Central Perk

    Roses in a shop in America

    Floral Arch

    Bonsai Tree

    Fountain in garden


    I’m not sure if I will write this story now or begin it in January?

    What I need for it is a working title.

    Question – what would you name the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels?

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    What I’ve Learned on My writing Journey – Pamela Cook


    Blackwattle Lake - CoverToday in the continuing series on What I’ve Learned on My Writing Journey I have Pamela Cook author of Blakwattle Lake and the upcoming release Essie’s Way.

    Three Things I’ve Learnt On My Writing Journey –
    Pamela Cook

    As a recently published author I’m pretty new to this writing game and for the last eighteen months I’ve been on a huge learning curve so the topic of this blog post is very apt.

    Thanks Monique! I sat down and brainstormed the things I’ve learnt on my writing journey and came up with a very long list. Some of these things I’ve learnt over a much longer period of time – I’d been writing for 12 years before being published but I’ve decided to focus on three things I’ve learnt since my debut novel was released last December.

    1. Write The First Draft Fast

    I spent over five years on one novel, much of which was spent writing sections and revising them over and over rather than moving forward. That novel taught me a huge amount about the craft of writing – description, word choice, sentence structure and the like. But it taught me very little about plot and structure. The two subsequent novels were written very quickly, one as a NaNoWriMo (50,000 words in a month) and the other over three months. In both cases I forced myself to keep going with the story, resisted the urge to re-read or revise and in both cases the story unfolded organically and the structure seemed to come a lot more easily. Both of those novels were accepted for publication.

    Stop-start drafting allows your inner critic to whisper insidiously in your ear. You find yourself second-guessing the quality of your writing and the direction of your story. It may even nag you enough to block your writing altogether.

    2. Whether Your Book Is Published Or Not Is Largely About The Market and Not Necessarily About The Quality Of Your Writing

    I have read some amazing manuscripts – beautifully written, wonderful characterization, interesting plot – a whole variety of stories written by writing buddies. Yet sadly many of them have been rejected by publishers. The reality is that it’s all about the market. Even if a publisher loves a manuscript the bottom line is that it has to be approved by the marketing department. Much depends on popular taste at the time, what other titles the publishing house already has out there and how many copies they think it will be possible to sell. If your book has a strong commercial flavour it may be easier to get it over the line than if it is highly literary. Of course literary works are still sought after but it may take longer to find the right home for such a work. In my own case I just happened to write a novel set in the country which had some romantic elements right around the time the Rural Romance genre was starting to boom. Fortunately for me there was already a market out there for the type of book I’d written which made it that much easier for my manuscript to be picked up. Ultimately you need to write what comes naturally and what you love to write. And now there’s always the option of self publishing if a more traditional deal becomes hard to find.

    3. Hard Work and Perseverance Trump Talent

    I know some will disagree with this belief but after my own experience, and observing the writing journeys of many others I’m sticking by it. Of course there are some writers out there who are born with a natural flair. All they have to do is put pen to paper and the words flow. But that doesn’t guarantee publication. If having your book published is your ultimate goal you need to write, rewrite and then write some more. This will take hours, days and years of your life and you need to be prepared to devote a great deal of time to your writing. Discipline, time management and the ability to say no are all essential requirements if you are aiming for publication. Even the most gifted writers need to put in the hours.

    Those of us who are lesser mortals may have to work a little harder at perfecting our craft but it is the writers who keep at it, who take rejection in their stride and learn from it, and who are determined to find readers – whether through traditional or indie channels – who will be the most successful.

    There’s quite a few other things I’ve learned – and continue to learn – on my writing journey. I’ll be blogging about them in the future. But for now, happy writing, and keep at it.

    Pamela’s books are published by Hachette Australia:

    You can find Pam on her website:

    On Facebook


    Jennie Jones
    8/28/2013 11:53:30 pm

    Monique – what a wonderful blog you have. I had the pleasure of meeting Pamela recently and chatting about writing so it’s wonderful to read her take here. I have to say, 1) So true – but so hard to write the first draft fast! 2) I agree, no matter how hard it is to bear, but these days, it’s becoming easier for those who truly yearn beyond belief to write, to become published. 3) Yes! That’s my view too. Perseverance will out, eventually. It has to, because perseverance means a writer continues to learn and learn and learn … and therefore get better and better and better. Thank you, ladies for an inspirational post.
    8/29/2013 08:34:08 am

    Thanks for stopping by Jennie! You did such a great job as MC at the #RWAus2103.

    It is solid advice isn’t it? Hard to apply but good to remember 🙂

    Jenn J McLeod | House for all Seasons
    8/29/2013 09:19:09 pm

    Oh yeah! I so agree. What a year!

  • Blog

    Author Q&A with Leigh Bennett author of Flirting with Magick


    Leigh Bennett1. What was the inspiration for your novel?
    I wrote a short story about a woman who does a spell for a career change
    and the novel developed from there. The rest of the ideas came from having worked around bands, working in offices and having lived in the inner city.

    2. When did you take up writing?
    About eight years ago when I was pregnant with my second child, I stopped talking about it and just started writing. It turns out it was the only activity I loved enough to stick with and not get bored or lose interest.

    3. How important is setting/place in your writing?
    It’s isn’t huge. My current novel is set in inner city Melbourne but there aren’t any specific landmarks, it’s just mentioned. I think it could be set in any city, really.

    4. Do you have a favourite character (s) in your current novel?
    I think I have a bit of a crush on one of the main male characters. And I really like Troy but he’s a very minor character he swears a lot so I had to think a lot about how to write his dialogue and make it effective, not just swearing constantly.

    5. What’s the best piece of writing advice you were ever given?
    Just do it. Just keep writing.

    6. Do you have a schedule for writing?
    Not really. Up until this year I’ve always had a child at home. He’s just starting school this year so
    I’m hoping to get more into a routine and get more done on a day to day basis. I might even get super organised
    and create a timetable. Yeah, probably not.

    7. Are you a plotter or someone who tends to wing it?
    I really enjoy the plotting process but I don’t necessarily stick with it. It’s nice to have as a guide for when I’m stuck though. I’ve started doing my first drafts during Nanowrimo and it’s amazing the winging that goes on.

    8. Can you name three of four of your current favourite books?
    Ooh too hard.

    9. Can you tell me a little bit about what you are working on now?
    It’s called Winter Park and is the follow up to Flirting with Magick but can be read as a standalone novel. It’s about a woman who moves into an apartment and finds it’s haunted. Of course there is also a love story in there.

    10. What advice would you give to a fledgling writer to assist them on their journey?
    Keep writing. Find other writers to talk to and learn from them, they can offer amazing support. Let people read your
    work, otherwise you’ll never know what’s working and what isn’t.

    FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/LeighBennettWriter
    Twitter: @LeightaBennett
    Firting with Magik is available on Amazon

    Flirting with Magick CoverAvailable at Amazon


    Leighta Bennett
    2/26/2013 10:22:06 am

    Thanks so much for having me, Monique 🙂

  • Blog

    When life becomes research


    Sydney PoolWhen you write one of the really nice things is that everywhere you go you get ideas for your books and stories. As I write contemporary fiction a trip to a cafe, a walk on the beach or even a visit to the library can be considered research.

    What would my main character order? Who would walk along this beach? Why is she at the library using the free wi-fi? How would she feel about that annoying storytime singing in the corner? Wistful? Frustrated? Would she wonder why she gave up singing?

    Sometimes of course you have to go out of your way to visit interesting places and spaces your characters might go to. In the novel I wrote for my NaNoWriMo this year one of the characters lived within walking distance of the famous Sydney pool pictured above and decided to swim there regularly. I don’t think that novel will ever see the light of day but my family and I visited the pool this weekend. It’s a really great pool and has a wonderful location so I can see myself including it in a future book. Research and life came together for a fun day out.

    Some research is harder than others. I have been asked if Mr Right and Other Mongrels will have a sequel and I hope so. Honestly I think it requires a trip to L.A. for me to do ‘reserach’ because Allegra and Teddy were headed off to L.A at the end of the last book. It’s twelve years since I was last in L.A so I don’t think my memories or information on the town are accurate enough.

    I think getting the research right is important. Visting as many locations as you can, tasting the food your characters eat so you can describe how their face might move and how they night feel or react if they eat something of a certain texture all adds to the story…oh yes and it makes life more interesting as well.

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    Sunday catch-up or putting on my helmet and getting back in the trenches


    Hearts Afire HelmetGosh I haven’t been a very good blogger this week. I have been crazy busy with work, life and NaNoWriMo. I’ve never known a November as busy as this one. I honestly feel like the silly season began for me at Halloween.

    Don’t get me wrong – I’m not complaining at all -but something has to give and it seems to have been the blog.

    I mean in what month do I normally have a 50h b’day to organise, a school reunion to attend, a stall at the markets and helping on the market committee and a girls’ weekend away? No month actually. And that’s only what has happened so far…you should see what’s coming…

    I must say I’m pretty exhausted and it’s only November 18…still 12 days of NaNoWriMo to go and with all that lies ahead I’ll still be writing on the 30th.

    Still all you can do is batton down the hatches and get back to work so this week I hope to have some fun things back on the blog for you.

    Ok go.

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    Market stall and other information


    Mr Right and Other Mongrels Mug and Book, Hearts Afire BookIf you are in Sydney and want to come and get a signed copy of either of my books and go into the draw to win a Mr Right and Other Mongrels mug then I’ll see you tonight at:

    Beacon Hill Night Markets
    6-9pm Tristram Road Beacon Hill, Sydney
    They’re in and around the school’s Multi-Purpose Centre.

    In other news yesterday I was loading a new keyboard and mouse on my laptop so I wouldn’t be crippled ny the end of #NaNoWriMo and the computer ate about 2,500 words of my book. I picked myself up and am now at 17,250 words…we’ll just pretend that didn’t happen.

    If you see me at the markets and my nail polish is chipped that’s because I spent the day helping set them up, and am running the raffle, my daughter is running a dog treat stall with friends and time to re-paint has eluded me. Hopefully not.

    Also this is a three cup of coffee day…be warned I may be a bit hyped up.

    Also I have Hearts Afire and Mr Right and Other Mongrels mugs in transit…I’ll run a give-away for them soon…just not sure how to run it…suggestions appreciated.

    Don’t forget the books are available in paperback and as e-books on Amazon. If you’ve read the books I’d love it if you would review them. I really take people’s input on board.

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    General writing chit-chat


    Let’s start today with a link. I am featured on Books by Banister today. I’m talking over there about how much of a writer you might find in a character.

    In other writing news I’m chugging along with NaNoWriMo. I’m ahead of schedule which is great and sitting at the 16,500 word mark. What I do know is true for me at least, and it’s something I put in one of the preparation posts I ran in October, is that I need to keep the momentum going. My weekend of busy days stalled me so that yesterday I was floundering.

    Today I’m back on track, although my characters are not exactly sticking to the vision I had for them which is fine. Basically, I like to start with more of a framework than a plot and have them stay in the frame. At the moment we have arms and legs and possibly even a head out of frame. Perhaps they’ll come back or maybe I have to tell a different story than the one I envisaged.

    Oh and here’s my banner for my stall on Thursday….pretty cool isn’t it?

    Monique McDonell Books Banner for Market Stall

    Pamela Cook
    11/5/2012 01:50:46 pm

    Love it when the characters do their own thing! Good luck with the rest of Nano. And I love that banner!
    11/5/2012 01:56:25 pm

    Thanks Pam!!