While I have so many popping in during the Midsummers’ Eve Blog Hop I thought it might be fun to ask everyone a simple question or two …to make commenting easy and also because I am a well known sticky beak.
They are simple questions really?
1. What are you reading this weekend?
2. Are you reading it as a print book or on an e-reader?
3. Bonus question – do you leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads etc for books you like? I’m curious how many people actually do this.
Hopefully someone is reading my novel Mr Right and Other Mongrels and enjoying it.
You can get it here.
Raelene Hall
6/23/2012 11:47:56 am
Reading a story on iPad at present but also have hard copy books on the go.
I don’t leave reviews but really should make the effort. If I have contact with author on FB/Twitter will always pass feedback to them there.
I have read Mr Right and Other Mongrels on my iPad and loved it.
6/23/2012 11:54:44 am
Thanks Raelene that’s so nice of you to say! You’ve made my day. 🙂
I must say I never knew how important reviews were to authors until recently. I must get out there and do some myself.
Betina Miller
6/23/2012 12:15:23 pm
I’m currently reading two books, both on my iPad, both written and self-published by people I “know.” How did that happen? One, of course, is yours, which I’m enjoying very much. The other book that I had started a while before your book came out is “Nothing is Always Something,” written by a co-worker.
I’ve never written a review before, but I will once I’m done with your book.
6/23/2012 12:21:37 pm
It’s weird how that happens isn’t it?
That would be lovely if you could leave me a review. I would so appreciate it!
6/23/2012 12:59:05 pm
I am reading The Lost Curse by T. Lynn Adams. It is a totally creepy adventure book about skinwalkers and treasure. Freaks me out when I read it late at night! It is a print copy. I still prefer print over ebooks even though I do have a Kindle and am starting to fill it up. I leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads for books I review on my blog. I don’t review every book I read because I don’t have time to!
6/23/2012 01:13:04 pm
You’re a braver woman than I am Lexie. I can’t read anything creepy late at night…my over-active imagination runs away from me. I can’t imagine reviewing every book you read. That would be like a full-time job!
6/23/2012 07:46:55 pm
I am having a Dick Francis binge this weekend, in paper copy. I don’t have a Kindle, I have to read Kindle books on the iPad and while I appreciate the convenience, I think I still prefer paper.
Linda Gauthier
6/23/2012 09:24:26 pm
paperback. I don’t own and e=reader and I can’t take the laptop to the pool.
Linda Gauthier
6/23/2012 09:25:59 pm
I have commented on reviews on Goodreads but I am terribly slack about writing them myself. Present company’s book excluded : ) !
Suz Reads
6/24/2012 03:36:38 am
I’m reading Nightmare Academy by Dean Lorey as part of a book discussion on Goodreads. This is a print book which is the way I prefer to read most things! I used to post a lot of reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and LibraryThing but I post less now because I don’t have as much time!
Kim Reid
6/24/2012 08:05:05 am
I am reading Kill Alex Cross in a print book this weekend, I love this series!!
Happy Reading 🙂
6/24/2012 10:01:05 pm
I’ve just started To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. I liked her Doomsday Book, and this one is set in the same universe, but it’s light and humorous. It’s a print copy like all my books. I don’t have an ereader, and reading on my PC is not convenient. I add most of the books I read to my Goodreads list to keep track of them and get recommendations, but I don’t usually review books. I always rate them, but I’m just eager to star a new book than to remember the one I’ve just read. I don’t usually read reviews either.