I think one of the hardest parts of writing is keeping your focus on the most urgent project. I’ve decided I’m not very good at this.
At the moment my list includes:
– final edits on Alphabet Dating
– writing the first book in a new series
– making final edits on another project to send it to a publisher
– sending brief for the cover of the book I’m releasing in June called Building Attraction
– a series outline of my new series
– an outline for the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels and planning for my research trip for that book to LA in June.
All those things are important but it’s lots of balls in the air in between my day job, organising a college reunion, managing a home (when my husband has hurt his back and therefore is lying flat doing nothing), running my daughter about these school holidays.
It’s why my blogging and tweeting and Facebooking has been a bit minimal of late.
Must FOCUS now!