Today I’m pondering the question how does the weather affect your writing? Not just the quantity and desire to write but the mood and the tone of what one writes.
Why has this question sprung to mind? Simple – it’s a cold wet Sunday morning and I need to write. One would think the weather would be perfect excuse to snuggle up to my laptop and get my word-count rising. Still it’s also excellent weather to bake a cake, take a nap and read one of the many books on my ‘to be read’ pile.
Also because I tend to write quite ‘sunny’ books this rain and the overall sepia tones of my surrounds today don’t exactly suit my style. Then again every book has moments of monotony or times when a character feels grim or bored so perhaps today is the day to write those scenes.
You can see that my yard is covered in Autumn leaves. Yesterday you could run through them listening to them crackle beneath your feet but today they slippery and slimy and all can think about is what lurks beneath them – snugs and snails and worms. The wind out there is swirling and tree branches keep banging against the roof, almost taunting me. It’s the sort of weather that makes the news for flash flooding, and trees through roof tops and I hope that doesn’t happen but already having jumped across a curb side river this morning I that’s inevitable.
I’m not sure how my writing would be affected if I was sent to an icy tundra but I expect I’d do less there than on a tropical island. I wonder how the weather affects other writers…