
Weekly Blog Challenge – New Hobby I’d like to try

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

I’m back for the weekly challenge and hey it may be Thursday in Australia but it’s still Wednesday in the Northern hempishere so  – yay me!

This week’s topic is  – a hobby I’d like to try. I’m not very good at arts and crafts and my follow through is terrible so I just channel my creative energy into my books. I already bake for pleasure and I enjoy entertaining though I’ve really pulled back from that the last couple of years.

In 2019 I took up Jazzercise with a group of women I used to play tennis with. My work schedule and the location meant I ended up stopping which was a shame because, yes it may be a 1980’s throwback,  but it was fun and we had a good laugh while we were there. The steps change a lot so that means you need to think as well as move and that’s good for the brain and the body. One of my friends dropped about 10kg just from the exercise so there was a lot to recommend about it.

My daughter is away at university so it’s just Mr Monique and I at home. He has the world’s least consistent schedule so it makes couples activities really hard. One week he starts at 5am and the next at noon (dealing that is a whole blog post in itself so we’ll let that go for now).

Anyway, I’ve been looking for something fun that gets us off the sofa that we can do together and I think I’ve found a Cuban dancing class that runs at 8pm on a Wednesday night that we should be able to take together. It should be amusing and then maybe we can hit some latin dance clubs on weekends once we skill up.

This will no doubt be us but hey it does look fun. I’ll report back when I get going and let you know how bad we are – or maybe we’ll be awesome – okay not likely but possible. A girl must dream.

Don’t forget to see what everyone else in the challenge has planned in the Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge here.




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