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    What I’ve learned on my writing journey so far


    Alphabet Dating CoverMr Right and Other MongrelsHearts Afire









    This month I’m running a series where authors will be doing guest posts on what they’ve learned on their writing journey so far…so I thought I had better go first.

    1. First write a book and enjoy the process
    When you start out to write a book that’s your goal. Write that book. Finish that book. Get that book re-written and get it ready for it’s journey to publication. Honestly that’s the best bit, and the worst bit. I love writing a new book, I don’t lovely the editing and rewriting process at all. Still, it’s part of the process so if you can learn to enjoy the process I think you’re going to have a better journey.

    The reality is when you begin you are so focussed on finishing that first book you really aren’t thinking you’ll probably have to turn around and do it all again, but most people do.

    2. Branding is important
    It doesn’t matter whether you end up being an indie author or if you go the traditional route you need to understand branding. If you go to pitch at a conference you will need to know your brand. Do you write light-hearted women’s fiction, do you write erotica, books about angels? You need to know and you need to be able to explain it concisely. I know we all want to be unique and don’t want to be hampered by definitions but knowing what you write and who you are like and who your readers are is important for marketing and publishing whichever path you take.

    3. You are your brand – especially on the internet
    I put my three book covers up the top of this piece so you can see how I’ve really worked hard to create a uniform picture of who I am and what I write. Those covers don’t lead you to believe you will be reading anything gritty or anything that might keep you awake at night. That’s not who I am or what I write.

    Similarly, because I write light-hearted women’s fiction my blog posts, Facebook page and Twitter feed reflect that. My political opinion, my religious beliefs and the things I have a bee in my bonnet about have no place in my author brand.

    Know you’re brand. If you write crime fiction probably posts about unicorns are not what you need. These days I think branding is as much about knowing what to leave out as what to include.

    Also try to think about what makes you different within the space you write in and make that your point of difference.

    4. In the indie space (at least) one book is not enough.
    I wish I had better understood this better when I published Mr Right and Other Mongrels. I probably would have held off publication until my second book was ready. I would have had the first four covers ready to go before I began and I would have released my books more closely together.

    One book easily gets lost in the indie space and because the e-books are cheap readers often go straight to see what else you have on offer. If you have nothing they move on and often never make it back. It helps if you give them more than one offering.

    5. You will be amazed by who will support you – and by who won’t.
    When you release a book it is the most exciting thing ever. It’s also terrifying. You’ve spent years writing it and now it’s out there and people start sharing their opinions good and bad about your efforts.

    You will be blown away by people you hardly know who are excited for you. Amazing, gorgeous people will go out of their way to buy your book, tell their friends and promote your work. You’ll find authors and book reviewers who are eager to help spread the word.

    You will also be amazed by the friends who never download or buy your book(s) and certainly never read them. You won’t understand it, it will probably hurt your feelings at first and then, if you’re smart, you’ll let it go. They don’t get it or they don’t get you but you haven’t got time to them. You have plenty of people who have encouraged you and

    6. There is no one “one way”.
    There are many paths to both success and failure, you must find your own. Some people get a publishing deal and go global. Some people get a deal and never make back their advance. Some indie authors sell hundreds of books a day and some never sell a hundred books.

    You’ll advice. In the end you have to use your own best judgement.

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    Why add video to my blog?


    Thanks to all those who gave me feedback on my first video blog post. I do take your thoughts and opinions on board.

    Here is a quick explanation of what I hope to achieve with the addition of video…the next video will be filmed “on location”. Stay tuned.

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    First video blog – here we go!


    Here we go! Here is my first video blog entry.

    It’s always weird to see oneself on video. I look a bit stilted and my efforts not to wave my hands like a crazy person when I talk have me shrugging my shoulders and awful lot but it’s kind of an unnatural process so I’m cutting myself some slack. I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Hopefully though it adds a new fun dimension to the blog.

    Here’s my first attempt!



    Pauline Norris
    7/28/2013 08:58:29 pm

    Looking good, didn’t notice shoulder shrugging till you mentioned it.

    7/28/2013 10:08:20 pm

    Big fun! I feel more connected already! Can’t wait for the new book!

    7/29/2013 02:00:55 am

    I can not wait for your new books, as I have loved the first three.

    Pamela Cook
    7/29/2013 07:48:08 am

    Great job Monique. You’re very brave. I couldn’t do it!

    janet josselyn
    7/29/2013 08:33:09 am

    I think you did a great job! Maybe you could be outside in the next one. I felt that we were in a very tight corner!!! You did great, though!

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    Musical Monday – Lasting Love


    Mr Right and Other MongrelsToday on this find Musical Monday I’m pondering the nature of making love last.

    Lots of fiction, especially romance, focuses on the first bloom of romance. It’s fun to watch things begin and as a writer it’s nice to help bring two characters together. I quite like living a bit vicariously through my characters as they head off on dates and other romantic escapades.

    However, anyone who has ever been in a lasting romance can tell you that lovely phase where every dinner is a date night and every new day is ripe with promise doesn’t last forever. Real life seems to intervene all too quickly. Jobs, family commitments, friendships and finances seem to conspire one way or another to take the sine off things. Then of course familiarity sets in.

    Sustaining romance through life – or through a sequel – takes quite a bit of effort.

    So today here are a couple of songs that speak to that.

    First some old school Shania Twain (who of course is no longer married to the guy she sang this to back in the day!)
    And for something more current how about some Paramore – Still Into You! Because really it is all about that in the end.

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    Cover reveal for Monica Donnelly’s – A Fresh Start


    A Fresh Start - Monica Donnelly - CoverA Fresh Start – A Henley’s Bluff Romance – Book 1

    Susannah Morrison is searching for a new life with her young daughter, Maisy, when a car accident, hospitalisation and a chance encounter with Declan Doherty puts her plans on hold.

    Declan is only in the annoyingly tiny seaside village of Henley’s Bluff for a quick visit to support his father. Agreeing to help Susannah by pretending they’re old friends and giving her and Maisy somewhere to stay is a huge mistake. He has no intention of letting his attraction to Susannah derail his plans to return to life as a magazine editor in London. It took him years to escape the town and his family and no convenient affair is going to change that now.

    Except desire has a will of its own.

    And soon Declan and Susannah are wondering if Henley’s Bluff is the new start they both need.

    This is the first novel in the Henley’s Bluff romance series, set in the coastal seaside village of Henley’s Bluff.
    Monica Donnelly is an Australian author who writes contemporary romance.

    She has always been a hopeless romantic who believes in love at first sight and ‘happily ever afters’. She does however, also know that the path to true love is not always smooth.

    Her Henley’s Bluff romance series charts the romantic entanglements of the Doherty family and their friends in the sea-side town of Henley’s Bluff.

    The first three books in the series will be released between July and December 2013;

    A Fresh Start – July 2013

    A Wave of Love – September 2013

    A Chance to Love – December 2013

    Monica lives in Sydney, Australia where she divides her spare time between family, writing, reading, and enjoying the beach. One of other secret hobbies is discovering how people met!

    For more information visit: www.monicadonnellyromanceauthor.com or find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MonicaDonnellyauthor

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    Musical Monday…unrequited love?


    Heart BalloonIs there any love more painful or more tragic than an unrequited love?
    I doubt it.
    Most of us have experienced it from one side or the other at some point in our lives. The maddening reality that someone we know, and probably like, adores us and sadly we don’t feel the same way about them is very hard to deal with and often not dealt with well.

    Still that’s nothing compared to the ache of being the person who is in love and not loved back. Oh the agony!

    So on this musical Monday a couple of songs about unrequited love as I ponder this topic for one of my characters in an upcoming novel.

    This is a great one from Gabrielle and was featured in the wonderful Bridget Jones Diary so that makes it a chick lit winner for me.
    Above this heartbreaker from Lady Antebellum…(I really need to Google the word antebellum…I think I know what it means but I might have the wrong thing in my head…it happens!)

    And…Paramore…The Only Exception. I kind of hope it works out for her…the song leaves it up in the air.

    Still as horrible as unrequited love is it’s worth the risk…because what if, just maybe, it leads to requited love?

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    Beauty in nature


    Today I’m pondering the nature of beauty. Maybe it’s that walk I took down by Manly beach this morning. Or maybe it’s that the leaves are off the trees in my yard and there is a stark gothic beauty in their current form.

    Maybe it’s some recent conversations with young women and their lack of belief in their own all-too-evident beauty. (I stand by my belief that 29 is too young for Botox ladies!)

    To reflect my mood here are a few rather lovely pictures from my recent travels.

    Roses in a shop in America

    Cactus Flowers

    View through ferns and trees - USA

    Fountain in garden

  • Blog

    Musical Monday – songs about friendship


    Alphabet Dating CoverAlphabet Dating is available on Amazon.

    One of the things I like about chick lit as opposed to writing romance, which I also enjoy writing by the way, is that to my way of seeing things it’s more about the character’s whole life and not just about their romantic journey.

    In Alphabet Dating, for example Serena’s story is as much about her friends’ wanting to see her happy – hence setting her up on 26 dates in a month (OK they have a weird way of showing their love) as her quest to meet someone new. Really she isn’t interested in love, she goes on the dates to make her friends happy. To me it’s a book about friendship.

    So this Musical Monday I thought I would play you some songs about friendship.
    Lot’s of songs about friendship are kind of schmaltzy. That’s not really a problem for me because I love a bit of schmaltz. I love a song that brings a tear to my eye and really there are thousands of them (I’m the girl who cries at everything!)

    So here are a couple of friendship songs. Maybe they might make you phone or text a friend…yeah somehow I don’t think my blog has that kind of power either…but it’s a nice thought.

    Maybe Bruno Mars will inspire.
    This one is my all-time favourite! James Taylor baby!
    This one is the queen of schmaltz…but I love this because it reminds me of some old friends…(sniff, sniff!) And it does have Stevie Wonder so it must be a little bit cool right? Plus look how beautiful Gladys Knight is…and Elton still had that voice…

    Do you have a favourite friendship song? If so let me know what it is.

    This is my all time favourite….

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    Time to get back in the saddle (or back to the desk)


    Los Angeles Trolly TourWell I’m home safe and sound after my lovely research trip and vacation.

    Now it’s time to get down to some serious hard work…maybe not today while the jetlag is messing with me…but tomorrow.

    I thought I’d give you a little update on the research trip and what I have planned for the later half of 2013. (Am I the only one who is absolutely blown-away by the fact it is July? My guess is probably not.)

    First up I have the cover for the next novel Building Attraction which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and I’ll be revealing that in the next week or so. I’ll also be sending that book to the beta readers in the next couple of weeks and then off to the editor so I am hoping for an August release. My birthday is in August, maybe I’ll give myself a book launch for my birthday.

    Look forward to some excerpts and teasers in the lead-up to it’s release.

    The research trip was super fun and I met some very cool people as well as seeing some great sites. I visited a lot of places that will definitely end up in the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels.

    I did lots of things I think Allegra would do when she moved to L.A and I visited some great places I know she would adore. I also had some pretty funny experiences that I think she might have (of all my characters she is the one most like me…even if I am several years older, married and was not raised by people with any hippy like tendencies at all!) I visited some really beautiful gardens to help me do some research for what Teddy might be up to in L.A as well.

    Hopefully now I’ll get my writing and blogging groove on again.

    I’m always looking for authors to interview here on the blog so if you are one, let me know.

    In the latter part of this year I’m also planning to add videos to this blog. Yes that’s what you all want in your life isn’t it? Me talking about books and writing. First I need to get my hair done, work on a flattering camera angle and maybe even have a make-over…well I’m, not really having a make-over but I did bring a bucket load of make-up home from the US. (I could do an entire blog post on my adventures in make-up shopping and the price gauging of the Australian consumer on make-up, but I shall resist!)

    So that’s where I’m at…lots of plans for my novels and my blog in the next six months so stay tuned, or keep reading and if the urge hits, le

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    LA research trip!


    Los Angeles View Hollywood Hills and Hollywood SignI write this blog post on a Friday night in LA. To say I’m a tad tired would be an understatement. Still, anything in the name of research right?

    I’ve been in town since Tuesday and I think my friends and I have covered a whole lot of territory in essentially three full days.

    This is a research trip for the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels so I am trying to see LA through the eyes of the main character Allegra. I want to view things through the prism of her experiences and interests.

    She likes vintage clothing and I found this wonderful shop on Sunset. I also visited some very cool vintage shops in Old Town Pasadena.

    (OK that’s as far as I made it on that tired Friday…it’s now Tuesday in Maui…nine days later…every single day has been go, go, go and I am exhausted in a really good way.)

    Lucky for me I made great notes at the beginning of my trip and took at least a zillion photos because every wonderful day has blurred into the other.

    I can tell you that if Allegra’s L.A. experience is anything like mine was she will eat well, shop lots, visit some amazing, gardens, meet some cool people and have some very funny experiences…stay tuned for more information…when my brain is working again!



    7/3/2013 06:38:45 am

    And if Allegra is anything like you (which she is!), L.A. is going to love her!!