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    Musical Monday – let’s talk ear-worm songs


    Have Chick Lit Will Travel Box Set ImageBefore we talk music let’s talk box sets and other things. Or more specifically let’s talk about this Box Set that Mr Right and Other Mongrels is being included in. It will be out this Friday and is called Have Chick Lit, Will Travel.

    I’m going to probably bore you senseless with the details this week but if you want to attend our online launch on Friday 25 July then pop on over to Facebook and sign up to attend.

    Also if you’ve signed up to receive my newsletter it will be in your inbox later today.

    Now on to earworm. as you are no doubt aware, earworm songs are those pesky songs you get in your head that you can’t quite seem to shake. You wake up to them, go to sleep to them and find yourself humming them on the train, in the supermarket and in the shower. The annoying thing about an earworm song is you probably don’t even love the song, sometimes they are even songs you hate.

    I played a song in the car back from our road trip two weeks ago and it has been in my head EVER SINCE (yes that is me screaming with frustration). What’s worse is my lovely husband who is currently renovating my kitchen (which is fantastic for life but not so much for writing) is whistling the song while he drills, saws, hammers his way through the day. Drilling and that song do nothing for my creativity.

    Over the years I’ve had some pretty annoying ear worm songs. I’m going to share a couple with you now – you can thank me later – and I would love it if you would share yours with me.

    First off we have Lady GaGa with Alejandro. I do not like this song. I do not like it in the car, I do not like it at a spa, I do not like it in my head, it makes me wish that I were…well not dead, but able to shake it for sure…

    Next up we have a lovely young man by the name of Taylor Henderson. He came second in Australian X-Factor last year, a show that I don’t even watch unless I’m reading in bed or am too tired to think. Somehow I had this little song stuck in my head for 6 months. Lucky me.

    It’s important to remember that almost always with earworm songs I have a key line wrong, usually the chorus, so that not only am I annoyed by the song the whole family gets to be annoyed as I sing in the car, kitchen or wherever it pops up.

    So today’s question is – what song is your current earworm? I need a new one – and DO NOT say Frozen, okay?

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    Back at my desk for Musical Monday and a give-away

    Gold Coast Beach PathGold Coast BeachGold Coast Beach





    Gold Coast BeachHard Rock Cafe Guitar Sign Gold Coast










    I’ve been a pretty bad blogger the past couple of weeks but admittedly I have been on vacation. See those pictures up above, they prove it. We went on a family road trip from sunny Sydney to the Gold Coast in Queensland. It is the middle of winter so although you see and sand it wasn’t as toasty warm as these photos imply. Whoever said the camera never lies well that guy was a liar.

    Anyway it’s always nice to recharge the batteries, drink a few cocktails, ride some rollercoasters and get ready for the months ahead.

    As a parent I’m amazed at how fast time is passing and am all too aware that my delightful 13 year old will be off on her own adventures soon and I will no longer be part of her vacations so I really do try and seize the moments now because they are all too fleeting.(Having said that I’m kind of theme parked out for now!)

    So back to the desk. My new novella which will be out in August will be making it’s way to the editor this week. That’s exciting for me. I’m working on it’s sequel. The novella is the first in a series and I hope that readers like the characters. I like them. Smart women making their way in the big city while keeping their sense of humour…the kind of women I like to hang out with both in real life and in a book.(Sneak peek of the cover coming soon – sign up to my newsletter if you want to see it.)

    Don’t forget about this giveaway I’m part of. It’s a great opportunity to win some prizes donated by a wide variety of authors. (See entry form below).

    And finally for Musical Monday…one of my favourite songs for singing loudly in the car on a road trip – Story of a Girl. very fitting for a writer whose main characters are usually girls finding their way.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Musical Monday and other news…


    Allegra Holding Books IllustrationIt’s Monday again. How did that happen? Where oh where did the week go? It’s nearly the end of June already…seriously where is this year racing off too and why is it in such a hurry to get there?

    News first…I REALLY am getting my newsletter happening this time. Mail Chimp and I seem to have formed a truce and I think I can actually manage to not just write the newsletter but send it out. Amazing!

    If you haven’t signed up you really should – there’s a little box on the right of this screen – I promise not to bombard you with useless information but I do have some exciting news to share in the next couple of months and this will be the best way to get it.

    Can you believe it is a year since I did my wonderful research trip to LA to get my mind sorted for the sequel to Mr Right and Other Mongrels? No. Me either. I haven’t written that book yet but I have the story sort worked out in my mind and I would like to get it out by Christmas or maybe early 2015. Stay tuned for that one.

    I’m taking part in an Indie Author promo and you can enter the competition here on my site or at any of the sites of the participating authors.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Meanwhile for Musical Monday here’s a classic song that I have loved for years and I particularly love this version. It fits well with one of the books I am currently working on and ironically it was sent to me by an old boyfriend on a mixed tape way back when. (If you haven’t read Mr Right and Other Mongrels you might like to find out what Teddy uses as the modern equivalent of the mixed tape.) This is a very odd video if you haven’t seen it the song starts about 2 minutes in.

  • Blog

    Musical Monday and a round up of what’s doing in my writing life


    Summer Splash Blog HopI seriously can’t believe it is Monday again. I also can’t believe that I am participating in a thing called a Summer Splash Blog Hop (which I totally am, this coming weekend) because it’s cold here in Sydney now and really not at all summery. My brain is having serious difficulty processing.

    I’ll be giving away a $20 Amazon GC and some e-books during the hop so you really want to come back and enter.

    The hop, for those who haven’t participated in one before is where a group of authors get together and do a joint promotion where they host giveaways, promote their books and get the word out about great books. There are lots and lots of prizes up for grabs – some of these authors are very creative people – and even a Kindle Paperwhite.

    My advice is COME BACK 13 June.

    In other news I’m hoping my novella will be off to the editor in early July and then will be out as soon as possible after that. I’ve been messing around about doing a Box set of my first 3 books and I’m almost ready with that as well. I have the cover (I’ll show you next week).

    Oh yeah and I’m trying to master Scrivener which is a really cool software program for writers but apparently I am not really cool because I’m doing some basic stuff very wrong. (eg Why can’t I create a new Chapter that appears where I want it? Why? Why?)

    Anyway it’s musical Monday and so that calls for a song. My daughter has been practicing her clarinet today but I’ll spare you a concert.

    Instead because I seem to be eternally attached to my computer I’ll give you the song Electric Dreams, the theme song to the movie of the same name about a computer that is obsessed with it’s owner in a romantic way. Ah the 80’s.

    And I’m actually giving you two versions – movie soundtrack and a recent live version because I would have lost money and bet that no way would The Human League be able to fill a stadium with people happy to shout along to this! I thought I was the only tragic out there…just goes to show.


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    Musical Monday a Guest Post by Kathryn R. Biel author of Good Intentions


    Good Intentions - Kathryn R. Biel - CoverA huge thanks to Monique for letting me crash in on Musical Monday. My name is Kathryn Biel, and I am an independent author. I live in Upstate New York, USA. I clarify that it is Upstate because there is a lot more to New York State than New York City. Also, just wondering before I get started—if Australia is “Down Under,” does that make the United States “Up Above?”

    Anyway, back to the reason I am here—music. If it hadn’t been for music, my first novel, Good Intentions, probably never would have been written. I’d had the idea for the story in my head for quite a while and there it was staying. Then, a radio station switched formats to playing all 90’s music (it has since switched again and I’m devastated). You see, for me, the 90’s are my favorite music. It is the music of my high school and college years. Hearing a song can bring me right back to those carefree days. And so it did. Listening to that music, I decided to set the story idea in the late 1990’s in Boston, which is where I was at that time in my life. And viola, Good Intentions came to be.

    Music plays a large part in the story. There are various scenes with specific songs listed in the book. I could not imagine the story taking place without the music in the background. I wrote the whole book listening to 90’s music. As a result, I have quite the playlist for the book. I like to think of it as a soundtrack.

    However, when I was writing my second book, Hold Her Down, the tone of the book was much more serious. I could not listen to music while writing. As a result, there is very little music in that story. I shifted gears again for my third novel (which will be released in September). I had music going the whole time. Music so influenced my writing in that one that I was able to come up with not one but two playlists for it. Perhaps I can stop back in a few months and share those songs with you then.

    So, without further ado, here is my “soundtrack” for Good Intentions.

    I hope you enjoy this somewhat eclectic selection of music that motivates and moves Maggie Miller in Good Intentions

    Keep them in mind while reading for Good Intentions.


      1. “Good Intentions” by Toad the Wet Sprocket (this one was kind of obvious)
      2. “Dancin’ in the Light” by Entrain. This was a local band that was one of my favorites when I was in college. I used to go see them play all the time. Their CD, Can U Get It? was always played before I went out.
      3. “I Like to Move It” by Reel 2 Reel
      4. “Cotton-Eyed Joe” by Rednex
      5. “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” by John Denver. Okay, this is not from the 90’s, but my favorite bar in college played this almost every Saturday night.
      6. “Wannabe” by Spice Girls.
      7. “Groove is in the Heart” by Dee Light
      8. “Laid” by James
      9. “Crash Into Me” by Dave Matthews Band—Their album, Crash, pretty much defined my college years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=k7in-9E3ImQ
      10. “Say Goodbye” by Dave Matthews Band
      11. “Better Man” by Pearl Jam
      12. “Black” by Pearl Jam
      13. “Tracks of My Tears” by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
      14. “Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude” by Jimmy Buffett
      15. “The Thong Song” by Sisqo
      16. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” by Wham
      17. “Ground on Down” by Ben Harper

        I hope you enjoy this somewhat eclectic selection of music that motivates and moves Maggie Miller in Good Intentions. Keep them in mind while reading!

    Buy Links for Kathryn’s books.


    Barnes & Noble


    Create Space (Good Intentions)

    Create Space (Hold Her Down)




  • Blog

    Two years of blogging and what have we learned? ( including Musical Monday)


    Dog on Pile of BooksIt is now just on two years since I started this blog. That’s pretty amazing. The last two years have been a wild ride for me. There are lots of things I would have done differently if I had known back in 2012 what I know now. (As I don’t own a time machine that’s just bad luck isn’t it?)

    I know people who regret their publishing journey and I don’t feel that way. There are certainly things I regret (choices, actions and of course lack of action) but not the whole journey.

    I thought I’d make this post not about the publishing but about the blogging. What have I gleaned over this time period?

    1. Consistently coming up with content is hard.

    2. Many more people read blogs than comment on them – you do very often feel as if you’re chit chatting to your self.

    3. You can lead people to your blog, you can even get them to comment but if you have something to sell (eg books in my case) that doesn’t mean they will do so.

    4. Lots of people who you think in the beginning will read your blog do not.

    5. Having regular memes (eg Musical Monday, Writers on Wednesday) makes it easier for you to generate consistent content.

    6. As a writer hosting other writers, reviews or industry people is a great way to create blog content and hopefully draw new audiences to your blog. I am sure this is true for cooking, mothering and fishing blogs as well. Be generous and welcoming to others and they will reciprocate.

    7. Even though you may not think your blog impacts your business (see point 3) when you don’t blog you will see a downturn in sales. (I do).

    8. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

    9. Try and be consistent. Even if you only blog once a week do it regularly and like clockwork. (OK I don’t always do this but I have learned that I should 🙂 )

    Any other bloggers out there what do you think are the key rules for success?

    And for Musical Monday the lovely Norah Jones singing a song that was integral to the writing soundtrack and the story of my first novel Mr Right and Other Mongrels now celebrating it’s 2nd birthday.



    5/11/2014 04:59:00 pm

    That’s honest, and sometimes number four is definitely true with me!
    I began blogging because I wanted to this author platform that everyone told me I needed, and somehow blogging has become part of my life. I love it, and I guess that helps.
    5/11/2014 05:15:45 pm

    I did the same Louise. I find there are times I love it and others it feels like just one more thing (as many things do on the writer’s journey). overall it’s a a great way to share who you are as a person/writer beyond your books.

    5/11/2014 07:23:36 pm

    No. 5 sounds great 🙂
    My blog is new and I don’t post regularly, but I do believe that consistency is very important.
    5/11/2014 08:07:37 pm

    I think the best blogs are consistent (not citing mine as an example FYI)…lots of people I know only for one or two posts a week but they are for example every Monday and every Thursday and people know that and stop by then. Also it looks very efficient and organised.

    5/11/2014 09:58:57 pm

    I agree with consistency. People will keep coming back if you give them something interesting to read about and they know they’ll be something new and fresh up there the next time they visit. Happy Monday all!
    5/12/2014 08:55:09 am

    I agree Courtney. The challenge is to come up with that new content every time.

  • Blog

    Some thoughts on the writer’s journey and musical Monday


    Monique McDonell Walking Beach WalkIn a matter of days it will be two years since I published my first novel Mr Right and Other Mongrels. Two years! It feels like yesterday. It feels like a lifetime ago. It’s all very confusing.

    Of course that wasn’t where my writer’s journey began, or even my publishing journey, but it is when I officially became an indie author.

    Since then, as those of you following along at home will know, I have released four additional novels under my name and one under a pen name (Ok some of you may not have known that bit!) I think that’s a pretty decent effort overall, although I am way behind the goals I set myself.

    Oddly, it isn’t the writing that slows me down, it’s either the covers, the editing or the formatting that pushes the schedule back every time.

    I still find the hardest part of this journey the ability to maintain momentum. One week I’ll be on fire and the next completely deflated. There’s always a huge crash after a book releases. All that work getting it ready, setting up any promotional opportunities and then waiting. Will the reviews come in? (Probably not as many as you’d like) Will sales soar? (Probably not as many as you’d like.)? Will everyone who showed enthusiasm and said they buy it or read it do so? (Absolutely not. That lesson doesn’t get easier with time.)

    Then you just have to get up and get moving and put that behind you or beside you is probably more correct…it’s more like a shadow that travels with you. You can’t really put it behind you because it’s an ongoing project promoting a book, selling books and being an author.

    So you need to move on and get writing again.

    As an indie author they say books sell books and I’m sure that’s true. I look at some really prolific indie authors and wonder how they’re getting their books out so quickly, especially a few who have cracked it big in the last year or so. I think they set themselves a budget per book and are ready to spend it on editing and promotion in advance. I would suggest any new author does this. You can publish a book for almost nothing, but you probably shouldn’t. You also should have more than one book ready to go at the start.

    So I guess that’s my signal to get writing. I’m involved in an anthology that will be out in the next few days and I guess that’s the next step on the journey for me, followed by a novella I hope to release in June.

    Look out for this anthology in the next few days…I’ll remind you.
    Mad Courage Coming Soon - Promo








    And for Musical Monday here’s today’s song. I watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (that Matthew McConaughey always cheers me up) and this is my favourite song from the soundtrack.


    Sandrine Piat
    9/1/2015 05:14:06 pm

    It’s so true what you say about the ups and downs and also how you can’t just put it behind you and forget about it. It’s just always there now. I’ve only published one book so far and being the sort of laid-back dreamer that I am, I never ever expected it to be so hard to get people to buy my book. After a while, I was so depressed looking at my no-sales on Amazon that I decided to give it all up. But my wonderful sister was right there to boost me and tell me that I have to keep going. And I did. Now I just don’t look at the sales dashboard thing – not that there are any sales to look at – but it doesn’t matter. As you say, I just have to keep writing and get my second book out there and then keep going. Sometimes it’s so wonderful when someone tells you ‘hey I read your book, and loved it!’ It makes it all worth it doesn’t it. I just love your books by the way. My most recent one was Hearts afire! It was wonderful and I loved it.

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    Musical Monday and competition winners announced


    A Fair Exchange - Coverhttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JBPPC08
    Thanks to everyone who entered the competition to win a $25 Amazon gifts certificate as part of the A Fair Exchange launch.

    The winner of the Gift Card is Jessica Meddick.

    The winner of the e-copy of A Fair Exchange is Crystal McNeely Guidroz.

    Ladies I’ll be e-mailing you later today.

    Sorry to those who entered and didn’t win. I hope you’ll continue to visit the blog, my Facebook page and follow me on twitter, and maybe even read my books and leave me a review.

    Today is Monday. It’s cold and wet here in Sydney – the reason for that is simple – it’s school holidays (or as the Americans call it vacation). It always rains in the Easter holidays. Can anyone explain why this is when Easter moves and so do the holidays and yet it always rains every time. it’s a big long-weekend here over Easter we get Good Friday and Easter Monday off and lots of people go camping. They usually get very wet.

    What does this have to do with anything I hear you ask? Today I bring you two songs from musicals…both about parades – one Easter themed and one rain themed. That’s the kind of gal I am.

    First the Glee version of Don’t Rain on my Parade and then the lovely Judy Garland serenading Fred Astair in his easter hat for The Easter Parade. Have a lovely week.


  • Blog

    Musical Monday and a reminder – $25 Amazon Gift card give away


    A Fair Exchange - CoverThis week I thought I’d give you a break from talking about A Fair Exchange because I know if you visit my blog that you already know it came out last week and is available at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JBPPC08.

    The thing about being a writer is that by the time one book is released you are usually well and truly knee-deep in the next project.

    I have a few projects up my sleeve but lately I have been working on a novella with the working title Any Way You Slice It. (Even though I like that title I’ll need to change it because that’s way too long for Twitter. I’m serious.)

    The characters in the book have an interesting journey and this song by Justin Timberlake completely resonated with me when I heard it. This is the perfect song for the main male character to sing to the female – if in fact the book were a musical, which of course it isn’t.


    I wanted to remind you that my Book Blog give-away is still going until April 11th so if you want to go in the running for the $25 Amazon gift card please enter below.
    a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    Musical Monday – the soundtrack of a novel


    A Fair Exchange - CoverAs I’ve discussed many times certain novels have their own soundtrack. These are the songs that remind you of the novel or that you listened to while writing it.

    Every novel has it’s own flavour. To be honest not all my books have a soundtrack. The novella I just completed I wrote in silence in a week. It was a week where I oddly had zero social commitments and those I did have got cancelled.

    Silence. It’s not a bad thing.

    A Fair Exchange however is a bit different because it was inspired in part by my own experiences as an exchange student and so certain songs from that time, though Amelia is far younger than I am, the music that informed the book is from my own time.

    This first song is Simple Minds – Don’t You Forget About Me – from the Breakfast Club Soundtrack. It’s co-incidental that the movie is 30 years old this week. I expected my US High School to be like this. It wasn’t at all. (And sadly my hair still doesn’t look like Molly Ringwald’s hair in the movie, 30 years later I still wish it did).

    I’m going to save a few up for the coming weeks but here is one that will seem very obscure, until you read the book, but it might just put a smile on your face this fine Monday. It’s The Lumberjack Song from Monty Python, this version is from Concert for George in honour of George Harrison.