The week that was in the year of saying yes
First off I’m not going to lie- I didn’t love 2018 from an author perspective. I set some lofty goals and I fell short. There were lots of reasons for this that include the fact that even I need to sleep and as much as I love my author life it’s not worth missing out on real life to make it work. Still, I was bummed at the end of the year. 2017 was my best year in terms of sales and goals and I felt like I was gaining traction and it all slipped away in 2018.
Fast forward to 2019 and I set new ambitious goals that included launching a book a month – I haven’t quite done that – but I will have published twelve times by the end of 2019 so we’ll take it. In order to make that happen I said yes late last year to a lot of projects.
I said yes I’ll try and get a on board with Sweet Promise Press when they launched last year which meant I had No Time For Temptation ready to roll in January.
I said yes to joining the Coffee Talk on the Board Walk multi-author series and yes to the Oceanic Dreams series as well. Originally that had me releasing my Oceanic Dreams book – Shut Up and Dance With Me in May and my Cinnamon Bay book with Coffee Talk in June. Then the Oceanic Dreams book got bumped to August and we added a novella to the Cinnamon Bay series.
So that meant that the novella Love on the Boardwalk, launched this week along with the first book in the Oceanic Dreams series. That was a lot of partying and promoting for both books.
You know what is awesome about being in a multi author series? Everyone has their own special talents that they bring to the table from graphic design, building websites, book formatting or book trailers. It’s so nice to be part of a team and not figuring all that stuff out all on my own.
I’ll be featuring all the amazing authors here on my blog and on my Facebook page so you can see how great they are for yourselves.
So that means we have two gorgeous book trailers which I will share over the next week. First Coffee talk on the Boardwalk and then Oceanic Dreams later this week.
CINNAMON BAY SMALL TOWN ROMANCES from Bibliophile Productions on Vimeo.
More yes

Some of you may know I’ve set up a small business GetSocialWriteNow to help other authors on their path to publishing – I’ve learned a lot on my journey and I hate it when I see people struggling when there’s no need. I’ve always been happy to help people and I know most authors are very generous with their time. Building an author platform takes quite a bit of know how so I started sharing mine.
Anyway, part of promoting this, and books as well is getting out there and talking about what I can do. As part of this strategy when I was asked to be on a panel at the WriteNow! Festival in Lake Macquarie I said yes. I had no idea it would end up being the same week that all of this was happening and I was a little overwhelmed mid-week thinking about it.
As it turned out it was the perfect way to spend the day – surrounded by authors and aspiring writers and librarians and books. It was actually a really fun and joyous experience I’m glad I said yes to.
So that’s my week on review. If you want to support the projects I have said yes to you can see all my books here on Amazon.