
Writing rituals

Mr Right and Other Mongrels + Hearts Afire MugsJust like in sports where players have lucky underwear or other charms, or they have to drive to the game the same way or they’re determined they will loose, so too many authors have writing rituals.

Some people have a whole process they go through before they write. It may be setting themselves up ina a favourite spot, getting their favourite beverage (I know a good many who guzzle the Diet Coke) or putting on their favourite music.

I think because so many writers write at home it helps them to get into their writing zone.

If you are a writer who struggles at doing this there is a wonderful article in this month’s O Magazine by Matha Beck that discusses in detail some great ways to set yourself up for success in this area.

I really only have one ritual and it’s pretty simple. I need a nice cappuccino to get me in the writing zone – OK a latte will do. I like the ritual of getting my espresso machine going and making the coffee. It gives me time to think about where I’ll start and then I sit myself down and begin. I write best between about 10am and about 12.30pm and between 3and 5pm. Is it a coincidence that I like my coffee at 10am and 3pm? I don’t think so.

When I’m focussed I certainly write at other times (and I write for my day job so of course I must!) but for optimum productivity and focus those are my zones.

Now I have my mugs with my own book covers I love to use those to inspire me but that’s not a ritual. I’m as likely to choose the Minnie Mouse Mug I bought in Disneyland back in 2000. (Yes that mug is a survivor!)

If you write. What are your rituals?

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